Finish This Link Up: Week 9

1. My favorite comfort food is

Chocolate.  Is there any other?  Specifically this baby right here:


2. My most memorable birthday was  I don’t really have a lot of birthday celebrations these days.  But I guess the one that sits in my memory is when Bonnie and I had a Barbie and Rockers party.  Remember those?  They were popular right about the same time as Gem dolls.  Ha!  I think it may have been our 6th birthday.  I just remember getting to wear a pretty dress and playing lots of games.  Good memories.

3. The best karaoke song is I prefer anything from the 1980’s era.  You just can’t beat the electric guitar and piano.  Some I like are: “Like a Virgin”, “I Wear My Sunglasses at Night”, “You Spin Me Right Round”

4. Boots make me feel I don’t own a pair of cowboy boots.  I know I live in Texas now…but still don’t have a pair.  I love my Uggs.  I like trendy boots, but I can’t wear a super high heel.

5. I am grateful for my family.  #1 always in my book is my family and God’s grace.

Speaking of…I’ll share some pictures of Connor’s birthday dinner last night with Adam and Christa:

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We had a great dinner and Toys R Us shopping spree!  The last two pictures are of his party with his class at school.  Hope you all are having a great week!  xo Becky

Happy 4th Birthday Connor!

Dear Connor,

I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since we brought you home from the hospital on that snowy day in March.  You have blessed our lives beyond measure.  Your Daddy and I had a lot of time together before you came and still we can’t remember what we did before you were with us.  You have brought so much joy and laughter into our hearts.  My prayer for you is that you will be a strong, loving, and Godly man some day.  Before you were born I told God your life was not mine it was His…and that promise remains true.  You are a child of Him and I hope God uses your life for His work and glory.

You are at such a fun age now.  No more diapers or restless nights.  We actually have to drag you out of bed in the mornings….new moms if you think the day will never come.  It does.  You say the funniest things and crack me and Daddy up every day!  You are very polite and compassionate towards others.  You wear your emotions on your sleeve.  You love playing games on the IPad, watching Disney Junior, playing soccer, and pretty much anything with cheese.  I don’t know if you’ll ever have  a sibling, but if you don’t then that’s okay because God has given us the best gift ever.  YOU.

As the years go by and things change for you I can only hope you remain the sweet, kind-hearted boy that you are.  I love you more than you’ll ever know in one lifetime and then some…..

Happy birthday my sweet Connor boy.  You fill my heart with so much joy – you are my angel from God above- you fill my heart with so much love.



Right after my C-section.  10 lbs. of hunka chunka burning love!

I look like a hot mess…but I was pretty doped up.  Ha ha!
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Birthday waffles before school this morning 🙂
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My love my life…Happy birthday Connor!

Weekend Wrap Up

I can’t believe my baby boy will by FOUR tomorrow. It seems like I just brought him home from the hospital. People tell you how fast time flies, and in the moment you don’t believe them, but it really does.  He sure has enjoyed opening up some birthday cards from his Nana & Poppy & Nannie Sue 🙂  Thank you so much!  He loves opening the mail box every day and getting the mail.


Saturday was pretty relaxed. I did some deep cleaning around the house (fun times).  We made a family coffee run and got an oil change…blah blah blah.  All the things you don’t have time for during the week!20140301_115045

Took a family selfie and it looks like Daddy is “photo-bombing” us!  We had gorgeous weather on Saturday.  I had a really fun engagement photo session I can’t wait to share pics with you!  Then Sunday the CRAZY cold weather hit us again.  I think this is the coldest day in March for Texas in YEARS!  Connor’s school was delayed this morning….oh joy.  Nice to drive up and see a delayed sign on the front door.  An email or call would have been nice.20140301_115527 Opening his birthday card from Nana & Poppy20140301_191206

Here’s our last #selfieaday with my 3-year-old…..tear.  Have a fab week!  Love yuns!20140303_073809

The Best Egg Pan Ever!

A few weeks ago I got to test out a new pan called the Ozeri Green Earth Smooth Ceramic Nonstick Frying Pan.  I didn’t know what to expect because I’ve tried a lot of different pots and pans over our marriage. Some have been good, some not so good and don’t last very long.  We eat eggs a lot…and they stick A LOT.  So, I thought the best way to try out this new frying pan would be to cook some eggs.

So I tried it out:

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Here we go…


Amazeballs!  We have been using this little green pan ever since the first try.  It’s the perfect size and it’s seamless design makes sure nothing sticks to the pan.  I would HIGHLY recommend this!  The non-stick quality is better than anything I’ve tried in recent years.  You get a lot of bang for your buck in this pan.  It can be found on Amazon HERE.D7K_4439


  • Unlike other ceramic cookware brands, the Ozeri pan utilizes an ultra-safe ceramic coating derived from nature which is 100% PTFE and PFOA free.
  • Delivers unprecedented non-stick performance without releasing harmful fumes or toxins at high temperatures.
  • Features a scratch-resistant 100 percent ceramic coating as found in nature (no heavy metals or chemicals) that is super easy to clean.
  • Made out of durable heavy-gauge die-cast aluminum with no heavy metals or harmful chemicals.
  • Boasts a comfortable heat resistant Bakelight handle, and a magnetized induction stove safe base for rapid heat transfer.

It’s an EGG-CELLENT pan!