Finish This Link Up: Week 11

This link-up is hosted by NICOLE (Three 31) LISA (COASTLINED), JEN (The Arizona Russums) & ME!

I’ve had so much fun linking up every week for “Finish This”  A lot of times I’m struggling with what to write and this is just a nice refresher.  It’s also a good get to know you blog post for whoever wants to participate 🙂

(Although I read most blogs on break at work & I’m unable to comment because of BLOCKED reasons…..sigh)  Just know I hear you sisters!

1. When I need help with life’s mysteries, I turn to JESUS!  I have no idea why things happen or when, all I know is the Lord is in control and in the end that is all that matters.  I also talk to my hubs, my parents, and family and friends for advice.

2. My next challenge is figuring out Where we are going to move.  Now that my job has transferred a bit closer to where T works we are trying to find a larger home in between our offices.  We always knew this house wouldn’t be our “forever” home.  The housing market is crazy right now and it is stressing me OUT!  Also….always on the back burner….if we’ll have another baby some day.  I’m so torn.  When is it going to be the right time ( I know the answer is never) but we are planners and can’t even decide if we want one.  Will I regret the decision to have only one years from now?  Connor is the best thing we’ve ever done.  He’s at such a fun age.  Frankly, the thought of going through the newborn phase again scares the crap out of me.  Oh life you are full of decisions aren’t you!IMG_20140315_144619

3. I shake things up Uhm….I’m not a very shaky person.  I’m a planner.  But I guess every now and then I’ll just belt out a song or do something that surprises someone.  I love it when my husband is spontaneous….even though it rarely happens I love not knowing what’s planned for anniversaries, birthdays, and holiday.  A surprise is the best!

4. High heels are only for special occasions.  I wear flats pretty much every day.  I don’t like heels I know they look pretty, but my achy breaky feet hate them. They are gorgeous, but I choose comfort over style.

Speaking of heels I took a picture of these while we were in NYC.  Amazing huh?  Leave it to Louis Vuitton:


Cryotherapy Experience

Last Friday I got to try out Cryotherapy for the first time.  I was a tiny bit scared to go into the freezing cold chamber.  But I watched a Dr. Oz video and started reading about the benefits so I thought I would give it a try.  A new clinic just opened next to where I work and they let us come try the machine.  I have to say I LOVED IT.  Yes it was freezing cold, but afterwards I immediately felt invigorated and I was so energized for the rest of the day & night.  You are in the chamber for 2-3 minutes and then you’re done.  So, would you all try this method out???

Here is what Wikipedia had to say about Cryotherapy:

The chamber is cooled, typically with liquid nitrogen, usually to a temperature of −120 °C (−184 °F).  The patient is protected from acute frostbite with socks, gloves and mouth and ear protection, but in addition to that, wears nothing. The patient spends a few minutes in the chamber. During treatment the average skin temperature drops to 12 °C (54 °F), while the coldest skin temperature can be 5 °C (41 °F). The core body temperature remains unchanged during the treatment, however it may drop slightly afterwards. Therapy triggers the release of endorphins which induce analgesia (immediate pain relief).

Patients report that the experience is invigorating and improves a variety of conditions such as psychological stress, insomnia, rheumatism, muscle and joint pain, fibromyalgia, itching, and psoriasis.  The immediate effect of skin cooling and analgesia lasts for 5 minutes, but the release of endorphins can have a lasting effect, where the pains and signs of inflammation as found in blood tests remain suppressed for weeks.

I would definitely go back and do it again if it weren’t so expensive.  Typical treatments range from $50-$75 per treatment.

Happy St. Patty’s Day 2014

Hope everyone is wearing their green today or I’m going to jump through this screen and PINCH you!!! If you’re looking for a fun place to hang tonight check out the new Bar Louie at North East Mall! We went on Friday night and it was excellent.


I cherish our pictures before school. Connor turned and kiss me on the cheek this morning & I didn’t ask him to. He’s such a precious boy!

Today at work we had green bagels from Einstein’s and they were so good!


And of course…..YOU KNOW WHERE I’M GOING….Starbucks is GREEN! So I had to visit the mermaid lady today and get some crack. Gulp.



#CelebrateFirstFlush #Sponsored #MC

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Pull-Ups. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

So, I’ve talked about potty training before and I wanted to update on our progress.  We’ve always used Pull-Ups® and I can’t say enough about how much I love them.  They are great at stopping leaks and not to mention the fun designs are an incentive for Connor.  He can easily pull them up and down, plus he’s officially moved into “big boy” status.


Connor can easily tell the front from the back because of the design.  One side is the front of a car and the other is the back.  This visual definitely helps him he’s so proud when he puts it on by himself!  I mentioned before we are 80% of the way there.  The only issue we have is bed wetting at nap time or at night.  Other than that he does pretty well during the day.  We are working on ways to help him get through the night without accidents and always praise him if he wakes up dry in the morning.  He loves that feeling!

Pull-Ups® training pants are designed to look and fit more like underwear and work with your child’s potty training learning style.   He definitely enjoys wearing his pull up and the feeling of independence it gives him.  I like not having to wash pee soaked sheets and clothes every day.  It’s a win/win for everyone!


I love seeing my child happy and independent and I know all Moms out there feel the same way. Keep encouraging your kids. There is no “one way” to potty train. It’s different for every family. I’ve never seen a kid go off to high school wearing diapers! You will be fine and eventually it will just click.  On a happy note….we’ve had a lot less accidents at naptime!!! Yay!!!


The Pull-Ups® website offers a lot of different tools and resources, available on the Big Kid Academy via the Pull-Ups website, Facebook page, and Twitter page, that make it easy to start potty training and celebrate milestones.  There is also a Big Kid App available on Apple and Android smart phones. The app offer videos and songs and a Big Kid checklist to help your little one in his or her nighttime routine. Go check it out HERE!



Finish This Link Up: Week 10

Week 10!!!!  Whaaaat????  More power to new Mom Nicole for keeping this party going….I don’t know how she’s managing it all!  But I sure am enjoying finding out more about each one of you.

1. My boobs are
Tether balls. Just knock em back and forth a few times.  Yes, there was a time when I had voluptuous boulders.  But, after 14 months of pumping and breastfeeding…..they are not quite the gals they used to be.  Totally worth it!  I wish I was still breastfeeding….it was the best diet ever.  Just sit there and pump out calories.

2. My heart is
Full.  I am so happy with my life and all that God has blessed me with.  There is always a little room in there for more and God grows my heart 🙂   But overall I’d say I’m full of happiness!

3. One thing every woman should know
Carry a pair of tweezers in your purse.  You won’t be wearing cute undies forever.  Yes, someday you will look like your mother.  Don’t be catty….be nice folks.  The world is never fair.  Deal with it.  That was more than one wasn’t it?

4. My breakfast typically consists of
Coffee and a banana.  I prefer an iced non-fat caramel macchiato.  Or I just make a coffee when I get to work.  Contrary to popular believe I don’t JUST drink Starbucks!

5. I’m so glad I learned the secret to
I don’t do secrets.  I am an open book.  I pretty much share everything with everyone.  But I’m glad I learned the secret to my husband’s heart.  I’m glad we get to journey through life together.

Happy MARCH…..and more ninja power to ya!

What am I going to do with him???
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Weekend Wrap Up

This post is going to be full of randomness….just warning you!
I finally found a “fine point” metallic pen set. It works pretty good too. I wish Sharpie would come out with the markers in metallic fine point pens.

These scissors are amazing. They are Martha Stewart brand and great for shredding things like bows, tassels, and ribbons.

My good friend Kristin came to Texas to visit this weekend. It’s always so nice seeing her and catching up on old times. I get homesick a lot, so it’s always nice to see a friendly face!

I took her to one of my favorite stores, The Brownstone in Arlington. It has a little bit of everything. While there I spotted this letter “C” in a circus theme. It would be so cute for Connor circus party coming up! People are so darn crafty these days!

I also found the secret to Betty White’s happiness. The dammit doll. I thought these were hilarious!

This LOVE sign made out of old wood was super cute too… 20140308_120350

I also discovered these ChewBeads. They would have been great when Connor was teething. You almost have to feel them to believe me, but this is a genius idea.


We took Connor to the lake, fed the ducks, and did some grocery shopping. Fun fun weekend things you have to do but don’t want to like laundry and such.


And last, but not least…Kristin and I in our masquerade masks. I’ve always wanted to go to a ball. We saw these in the shop and had to take a picture 🙂20140308_110053

That’s All She Wrote…

Some days are just like this when your kid gets in trouble for throwing toys all around the classroom at school.  And I am a horrible mother because I won’t let him eat Cheetos 4545464451387 times a day!  Just so ya know.

But then I come home to wonderful packages like this one from Quaker Oats. They are quickly becoming my BFF and helping my fiber intake I must say. This crunchy granola oatmeal is the bomb-diggity and if you haven’t tried it yet….YOU MUST ASAP. So good!


The amount of Ninja Turtle power we have going on in our house is beyond me. This kid is all about some ninja turtles. While my inner Barbie doll lover is having a freak out session. I was such a good Barbie doll player growing up….I think that’s an excuse to bring a girl into this family. So the Ninja Turtles don’t overtake my home and Barbie’s have an equal opportunity.  Riiiiiiggggghhhhhtttt?

Have a lovely weekend friends! xo Becky