Weekend Wrap Up

I can’t believe my baby boy will by FOUR tomorrow. It seems like I just brought him home from the hospital. People tell you how fast time flies, and in the moment you don’t believe them, but it really does.ย  He sure has enjoyed opening up some birthday cards from his Nana & Poppy & Nannie Sue ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Thank you so much!ย  He loves opening the mail box every day and getting the mail.


Saturday was pretty relaxed. I did some deep cleaning around the house (fun times).ย  We made a family coffee run and got an oil change…blah blah blah.ย  All the things you don’t have time for during the week!20140301_115045

Took a family selfie and it looks like Daddy is “photo-bombing” us!ย  We had gorgeous weather on Saturday.ย  I had a really fun engagement photo session I can’t wait to share pics with you!ย  Then Sunday the CRAZY cold weather hit us again.ย  I think this is the coldest day in March for Texas in YEARS!ย  Connor’s school was delayed this morning….oh joy.ย  Nice to drive up and see a delayed sign on the front door.ย  An email or call would have been nice.20140301_115527 Opening his birthday card from Nana & Poppy20140301_191206

Here’s our last #selfieadayย with my 3-year-old…..tear.ย  Have a fab week!ย  Love yuns!20140303_073809