It’s been one of those weeks so far….slow going. I’m already counting down the days, hours, minutes until the weekend. I kind of sad that Christmas is over because every year I build myself up to Christmas day and when it’s finally here I get upset because it will be a WHOLE year before it comes back around again! I’ve already noticed stores stocking Valentine’s day inventory…man, we are a crazy society aren’t we? So quick to get things done and over with! I am counting down the days until May when Terence graduates.
It seems like I’m always looking for that next step in life to be fulfilled and sometimes I forget about the here and now. I don’t stop to see what is right in front of me and how blessed I am! I pray that God would give me contentment in the mean time to be satisfied with what I have instead of living for tomorrow, and anyone else who is struggling with this…because after all we aren’t promised tomorrow are we?

Well, I am being called by Terence to go watch a movie! Night all!


I wanted to start keeping a book of ideas for things I like for our house someday. We saw this fabric this weekend and I love it. Terence thinks it’s too light, but I think for your bedroom it should be light and airy and peaceful. I wanted to get three euro shams made from the paisley fabric. Terence’s mom could probably make us something like that because she is an excellent seamstress. Also, we ended up canceling our order for the bed we got from Restoration Hardware because it was back ordered for five months!!! I’m sure we can find something just as good in the near future….anyway here is the fabric.I also love the idea of pumpkin colored walls. It’s something I really have liked for a long time. It just feels warm and homey to me.

Weekend re-cap

Friday night-stayed in and ate a pizza while watching the “Sarah Conner Chronicles” series on DVD. I also made chocolate mousse 🙂

Saturday-We drove to Southlake and looked around. Terence likes to go to an electronic store there and he likes to sit there and listen to speakers. That is his dream one day to have his own theater room….isn’t that every guy??? I swear he was like a kid in a candy store. It’s funny to watch. After that we ate lunch and then went to see Marley & Me and it was sooo good! It was very sad, Terence and I both cried. I think it sort of hit home because Terence’s family dog “Guess” died New Years Eve. They’ve had her for about 13 years so that was very sad.

Sunday- We woke up and went to church this morning, came home and took naps, then went to Chili’s with Terence’s brother Paul and his wife. They asked us if we would be the guardians of their kids in their will, of course we said YES. Duh! I would do that for any family member. I feel honored that they think of us in that way and entrust us with their babies.

Well, I’m off to bed! Nightie night

Oh-Terence is a dart lovin fool. I was actually beating him when he said the board was “broken”!!! Yeah right!