
Woke up this morning and went to work as usual, only instead of coming home and sitting on my butt I took my gym bag to work and went to exercise with a co-worker Julie. I did 2 miles on the elliptical and another 2 miles on the bike, worked on abs and arms a little bit too. I am SO out of shape, but also thankful that I actually made myself do it! Yeah! Tomorrow we are planning to go back…and the next day…and the next….

My Nutrisystem was shipped today, so once I get that in I will be in full fledge fitness mode 🙂 I’m so ready to feel good again!


Last night Terence and I got to babysit our little nephew. He was so good last night and didn’t fuss at all! He drank his bottle then took a nap and woke up and watched some 24 with us. He is so snuggly! We also had a pizza night…..but those days are long gone because today……dun…dun…dun…dun….


I know what you are thinking….”But you can’t have Starbucks on NutriSystem right?”
Nope, but with Terence’s graduation four months away I want to be in tip top shape to have a baby. We decided after Terence started grad school to put our baby plans on hold for awhile until he graduated and we got settled. Well, now is the perfect time for me to lose some weight and get healthy because I want to be in good shape when I get pregnant, not to mention it may even help me “get” pregnant because studies show just a 5% drop in weight greatly increases your chance of concieving and right now I am overweight. I’m sure I will update on here as I progress through the diet. I am actually excited about it and looking forward to a change and feeling better about myself. Yeah!

Bye Bye pizza nights….

Pray for Summer

One of my dear friends named Summer who I met through blogging has been trying to have a baby for some time. She found out she was pregnant not too long ago, but it was a tubal pregnancy and it would’nt be viable. Yesterday her tube burst and she was rushed into surgery…I know she has prayed so hard for a baby like so many of you and I just ask that you would say a little prayer for her and her husband today that God will give them peace and understanding during this difficult time. Bon and I love you and we are so grateful to have found you as a friend! We are praying for you and know God has great things in store for you!
Love, Becky

Weekend re-cap and randomness

Friday-Worked until 5:00 then came home and relaxed! I don’t really remember what we did Friday so it couldn’t have been that exciting. We usually just eat dinner and watch TV shows we’ve tivo’d.

Saturday-Woke up, got dressed, went to Best Buy and bought a new wireless keyboard (it’s so quiet I can’t even hear my keystrokes right now!) Went to lunch at a cafe/bakery we love…said NO to cookies/cupcakes/cake etc…because we want to eat healthier. After that we went to Barnes and Noble and I got two rolls of Christmas wrap at 50% off yeah! It’s totally not necessary, but I will need it next year and it was one of my favorite prints from this year! We went and saw the movie Seven Pounds and it was VERY good! Totally different than what the previews make it out to be, it was a sad movie, but a warm fuzzy movie too. You all should go see it. Then we came home and I made cheesy potato carrot soup and we watched Tropic Thunder, which I got bored with about 30 minutes into the movie.

Sunday-I just finished folding three loads of laundry, with which Terence washed and dried…thank you honey! Spent most of the day watching House Hunters because we missed our alarm and didn’t get up for church…bad…bad…bad!!! I also just went on a walk/run…mostly walk around the neighborhood. I am SO out of shape! I know we are looking forward to the new season of 24 tonight as well! I think I am about to go hop in the shower and straighten my hair so I can sleep in a little tomorrow morning….ta..ta…

OH-random pictures I got off of my phone I’ve been meaning to share….
This is the dumb GPS we got with Terence’s Best Buy gift cards he got for Christmas. I’ve been wanting one since we moved here because I Map quest everything. Well, we ended up taking it back because it said totally ridiculous things…like calling every “drive” the name “doctor” instead. “Turn left on Bellaire Doctor” And it couldn’t pronounce so many street names and stuff so we just took it back and I’ll continue to Map quest.These were at Target and I thought they were hilarious! Little Santa hats with beards attached for cats or small dogs. I think Bonnie should get some for her chihuahuas.

Another photo from our Arkansas trip of us girls
My grandmother who doesn’t look to happy to be with Santa, but Dad said she wanted to go see Santa…poor Grandma!

And finally…a Starbucks pic! It’s been awhile since I’ve posted one 🙂 Bonnie and I have this thing every week where we will text pictures of us with our Starbucks and it makes me laugh! Yes…I know we are junkies….