Mayfest Fun!

Here in Fort Worth they have a weekend festival the first weekend of May called “Mayfest”.

It sort of reminds me of Toad Suck Daze back home in Conway 🙂

We had a great family day out yesterday…of course I was sweating like a PIG!  It’s already so hot here in Texas….I need to work out and get a hot bod so I can wear some shorts and not be ashamed of my white legs 😛  Of course there were lots of people there wearing crap they shouldn’t have been wearing so that made me feel better, but seriously.  This may be a sundress summer because I don’t like shorts????

I am going on a juice fast starting today so we’ll see how it goes.  I say a fast…but really I think I’m going to have a juice for dinner every night and eat a light lunch mid day.  I’m just not happy with my muffin rolls and I want to feel better about myself.  Especially now that summer is here.

So here is my little family at Mayfest 2012

Excuse my hot and tired looking self… we had worked the early morning Sunday school class at 8:30.  We had EIGHT two year olds!  God bless all you Mom’s with multiples…I just don’t know if I could do it!  I was beat!  Then we stopped for a Starbucks and Connor dumped it all over the back seat of my car and onto the carpet….sigh…just another day!  Pick and choose your battles.  He’s becoming and very opinionated and defiant two year old some days…but other times he just melts my heart and is so loving.

 Thank goodness for child leashes…especially in places like this!
 Connor rode his first pony. 
He was a little scared, but he did well overall and he loved it!
 Awesome sand castle
 Cracking our Mayfest confetti eggs!!!
 Riding on rides with Daddy
OMG why are fair rides SO expensive???
I swear they drain you…they know this…and get away with it because they can!

We had a great weekend.  I spent most of my free time devouring the ever popular “50 Shades of Grey” series everyone is talking about….and let me just say it did not disappoint!  But now I am left hanging and I must read the 2nd one asap! This book as pulled me in hook, line, and sinker. 

I love a good romance …..and this is WAY more than a romance let me say…blushing red romance.  I wish Terence would read it.  I think most women wish their men would read it.  My husband is not a reader, but dang…I wish he would, it might inspire some spice in our 11 year marriage….you know what I’m saying??? ha ha!!!  I really loved KLaw’s review.  She’s the funniest writer and as blunt as I’ll get out…but she doesn’t hold back and that is why I love her blog 🙂

Okay enough about that…have you read the book?  What do you think about it?