Testimony of a New Mom

Time…..time is flying by so fast.

Oh how my world has changed these past few months!
Connor, your Daddy and I love you with all our hearts. I’ve waited for you so long my son. I’ve dreamed about you so many nights. I look into your eyes each day and feel overwhelmed with love and emotion. It’s going to be hard to see you grow up and make mistakes or get your first boo boo. I know these moments are just part of growing up. It seems like lately you’ve been growing up so quickly right before our eyes……

You make me want to be a better person. I’ve thought a lot lately about what kind of parent I want to be…..I know sometimes I will have to be strict on you or discipline you for something you’ve done wrong. Right now I just want to hold you and comfort you. I want to put you in a bubble so nothing can ever hurt you or sway you in the wrong direction. I want to be a Godly example in your life. I’ve felt convicted lately that I am not the Godly person I should be or want to be. I will work on that…I’ll be better for me and for you…and for Daddy too……
Your Daddy is my best friend, he holds my heart…and now so do you! He supported me throughout my pregnancy when I was uncomfortable and sick. He helped me put my socks on when I could no longer reach my feet. Your Daddy makes me laugh and smile each day. He encouraged me when I thought I couldn’t breast feed you and wanted to give up! He pushes me to be a better person in life and a better Mommy for you. We both want to be Godly examples for you my son. Without God we would not have you in our lives and in our hearts. You are our precious gift ๐Ÿ™‚

I am not perfect by any means and can only strive each day to be a better person. It’s because of God, our loving family, and friends that we have the life we have today. We are so blessed and this short time on earth is only temporary. My love for you will never be temporary….I know there will be times I am exhausted and don’t know what to do with you….but my love will be eternal for you my son.

Your goofy faces make me smile all the time…..

I wonder what you are thinking at times???
You are taking in this new world each day and it’s so amazing to see you learn and grow. You stare at everything like it’s brand new and wonderful and exciting. The little tiny things in life that seem so minuscule to everyone else excite you most of all!
The sleepless nights have been challenging and so have the long days. You are worth every second of that time! Mommy doesn’t have time to do everything she once did….I often wonder if all this blogging, twittering, facebooking is all that important anymore. I love to keep this blog, not for myself, but for you my son…..so that someday you can look back and remember all these things about your crazy Momma!

You are my angel boy…..my gift from above
“I love my Connor boy
You feel my heart with joy
You’re my gift from God above
You fill my heart with so much love”
I repeat that to you every morning…….
You light up my life….my sweet Connor boy ๐Ÿ™‚