Mind Dump With Becky

If you know me, then you know that I am probably one of the most random people ever.  I want to get back to the basics and why I started blogging and that was to journal my life.  Even if I post the most basic blah blah blah stuff….I still feel like that resonates better […]

Christmas 2015

We road tripped it to Arkansas this Christmas and I was super excited because we actually got to spend CHRISTMAS EVE AND DAY in Arkansas this year.  We haven’t been able to make that happen in years. Connor is so good in the car.  He just sits back and watches his movies and barely makes […]

Mid-Week Update

Connor and I have been home all day.  His school called yesterday concerned he may have a slight case of the chicken pox.  I thought they were just bug bites.  He’s been complaining of itching.  We took him to the Doctor and they could neither confirm or really deny that’s what it was.  So who […]