Christmas 2015

We road tripped it to Arkansas this Christmas and I was super excited because we actually got to spend CHRISTMAS EVE AND DAY in Arkansas this year.  We haven’t been able to make that happen in years.

Connor is so good in the car.  He just sits back and watches his movies and barely makes a peep.  Except to go to the bathroom or eat.  I love my baby!


Connor and I drove in a few days before Terence flew to Arkansas.  We spent most of our time at my sister’s new house (SO PRETTY by the way) and Vinny & Jarrett.  The night we got in Bonnie took us to the new outlet mall in Benton and it had a Lindt candy store.  We were in heaven….sooooo good!  We also found another candy store that carried our beloved Kinder Eggs.  I have no idea how they had them, but I don’t care!  We each bought a case to take home 🙂

The boys always love seeing each other…most of the time.  They’ll be BFF one minute and fighting over random stuff the next.  Bonnie and I agree that they are payback for how bad we were at that age.  They made ornaments for Nana and decorated cookies.

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Bonnie and I met up with our friends at Ya Ya’s for our annual Christmas dinner.  It’s always good to see my best friends and I look forward to our dinner every single year…that and a filo brownie 🙂


After a fun stay at Bon’s we headed to the farm to see Nannie!  Here is Nannie’s pretty tree.


Everyone opening their stockings the next morning 🙂25a121ce-fb4c-44db-9eb4-5033800ac993

My Daddy <3


Mommy & Daddy cb579d08-9e67-4705-920b-defd35eb4dff

The spread…need I say more.  We don’t go hungry at Nannie’s house.  Like Ever.dc57fac3-9db9-4968-92e7-28731bb74209


Connor got a lot of new presents.  This was a big year for Star Wars and he brought home a ton of new toys to play with.  Thank you Santa!fcb4a407-41cb-4225-986a-1bbdcd361d82

Fun on the farm

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I took some pictures of my sister and her family.


Isn’t that the most beautiful sunset?


I’m sure I’m leaving out a ton of stuff.  We had a great time celebrating Jesus birthday and a wonderful trip home.  We actually came home a day early after we left Nannie’s because our car was packed so full we could barely move!  So, we decided to head home and get settled before all the craziness of life started again.

And last, but not least our annual New Years Eve pic!

We love you all and are so thankful and blessed to have another year to share.

xo- The Branches
