Hey…How are You 2022?

Wow.  Does anyone actually read blogs anymore?  Is it all instant satisfaction on the Gram and Tiktok?  I look back over the lifetime of this little blog of mine and I enjoy seeing all the memories that were captured.  It’s nice to look back and remember what I wrote and pictures of Connor.  Speaking of Connor- who is in middle school now and not a baby anymore.  When your kids get to the age they start to notice you are posting about them on the world wide web-they have opinions.  So, now Connor is not on the blog as much, because his friends also have social media and if he wants to be on here or have his photo taken I ask him and it’s his choice.

Heidi, however, I’ll still keep taking baby pics of her until she grows of age and has her own opinions as well.  I shall cherish those just as much!

Raising kids sure is different the second time around (and almost 10 years later….sigh).  I feel old and tired…but also thankful for the opportunity to raise this beautiful girl.  I was thinking the other day that when my Mom had my sister and I she was 22.  I’m glad that she’s still at a young enough age to enjoy her grandchildren.  Then I started thinking OMG when Heidi is my age I’ll be almost 80!!!!  Aaaaahhh…and then I start to freak out and think of all the what ifs and what I won’t see.  But then I started to think of how lucky I am that I get this time on Earth with both of my kids anyway-no matter what age- and to enjoy it.  ENJOY IT.  Savor it.  Cherish the small moments.  Also, not everything has to be documented because it will live on in their hearts and minds.

I remember moving to Texas in 2007 and being extremely scared.  I didn’t know a single soul except for my husband and his family.  I am thankful how God has grown those relationships with extended family.  We may never have had the opportunity to do that unless we moved to Texas.  Although I miss my family back home terribly, I know this is where I am supposed to be.  This feels like home now.

One of the reasons it feels like home is because of this blog.  Way back before Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok- we had blogs.  And I met SO many beautiful and wonderful “internet friends” that became real life friends and God has also used that to enrich my life in so many ways.

My blogging led to me picking up a camera.  Documenting little moments of our life.  I got my first camera over 10 years ago and my sweet husband sold his watch he got for graduation (a very nice watch that hopefully I can repay him for someday!) to buy me my first camera.  Over the last decade I’ve grown and honed in on that creative outlet and have enjoyed photography even more so!  So, right now I’m working on setting up a more all encompassing website for my photo biz and hoping to grow that in the coming years.  Also, a lot of my clients are my beloved friends I’ve met through blogging and as we all know it’s word of mouth that sells!  I’m forever grateful and thankful for these relationships.  It’s amazing how God works in you and leads you in different paths.

For instance- the last couple of years have been HARD.  Right after Heidi was born I felt like the walls were closing in on my life and didn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.  I was stuck.  I was scared of starting all over.  And I was very very alone. Praying for God to restore me and bring me out of the trenches of what the Devil was whispering in my ear.  Of course I know the last couple of years have been so hard on everyone.  So SO hard.  I pray every day that God would give us peace and understanding to know his plan for the course of what is going on in the world.

So, long story short, the office I was working for previously was sold- therefore I needed to find something else to do.  I took a job in Dallas with a horrible commute and doing something I really didn’t enjoy and people that were not nice- just because it was a “job“. I was there for about a year, but I’m thankful I was able to get my feet wet again after working part time for the prior 5 years. In the end I found an amazing job right down the street from my house with people I love and where I fit in perfectly.   I’ve been at my new job for about 7 months and loving it. I’m much happier now.  A lot of Moms question whether or not they should go back to work after a baby- but for me I needed the structure, the social aspect, and something for me to do.  If I sit at home I get depressed and don’t function well.  And that’s okay- at least I know that now.  My goal is to grow my photography into something bigger and of course have more family time.  With the unprecedented times we are in I think it’s always good to have something to fall back on.  So, that’s my goal.  I’m coming for you 2022!

I’m not perfect and God is working on my heart daily.  But the one thing I want to do in 2022 is wake up and think of one thing I am thankful for and wholeheartedly thank God for it.  Give praise for it and rejoice in that thankfulness.

Consult not your fears, but your hopes and your dreams.
Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential.
Concern not yourself with what you tried and failed in, but what it is still possible to do.
Now is the time to put aside past and present setbacks and failures and look with confidence to the new day called tomorrow.

I hope you all have a wonderful, healthy, and blessed 2022!  Yes-I’ll be doing a fall/Christmas recap on the blog soon!

xoxo- Becky