Meal Planning: What Do You Do?

Well HELLO there!

I’ve been M.I.A for a little bit.  I started my new job and things have been going great!  I’ve had more time to do the things I never get a chance to and it’s so nice.  I went to Target last Monday to get groceries and I was just beside myself because I didn’t have to pick through the produce or fight for the last bunch of ripe bananas.  Everything was in stock.  I never normally shop on a weekday and it’s so peaceful and quiet.

It’s the little things.

I also am determined to get better at meal planning.  I have always struggled with this and the question that makes me shudder every day “What’s for dinner???”  If anyone has pointers please feel free to help a sista out.

What are some of your favorite recipe or food blogs?


I’ll be back….

3 thoughts on “Meal Planning: What Do You Do?

  1. I seriously sit down and go through my pinterest board or cookbooks at the beginning of the week and get it lined out! Sometimes even enough for 2 weeks!

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