Back to School: Weekend Wrap Up

Well, I definitely noticed a slight difference in traffic today as school is back in session most places.  They are doing so much construction where I live that it’s driving me nuts!  One day our exit will be open, then the next it’s closed again!

Terence and I are on a mission to get healthy.  I went to my Doctor last Tuesday and he told me I had gained 20 lbs. from this time last year!!!  I just sat that dumb struck because I avoid the scale like the plague and I couldn’t believe I had gained THAT much weight.

We joined Simply Fit Meals here in the DFW area to help us with portion control.  So I’m hoping that by the next time I see my Doctor I’ll have lost at least 15 lbs.  My problem is sweets, and I’ve been doing really well at staying away from candy at work.  It’s late at night that is my issue or when I get home from work. Ugh.

It’s so much easier putting it on than taking it off right?  But I’m determined!  I know I’ll falter every so often, but that’s okay as long as I keep on track.

Saturday we met up with our good friends Hyung, Sarah, and baby Ellie.  She’s just the cutest little dumpling you ever did see!  Sarah has the cutest Etsy store called Wake Me Up Designs you all should go check it out.

Me and baby Ellie


Sarah with Connor & Ellie

Connor got mad and he put himself in the corner at the restaurant.  This is hilarious…when get gets upset he just walks to a corner and stands there! Ha ha!

Next we headed to the cutest outdoor store. There was this vintage camera bag that was adorbs. Totally not needed (and I didn’t get it) but oh so cute! It’s by a company called BlueQ.


My little Crocodile Dundee boys 🙂

This is the Purple Rain smoothie from Simply Fit Meals.  I liked it, but it was SUPER thick and hard to swallow!  Maybe water it down a bit or put some more liquid in….other than that is was pretty good!
