Boo at the Zoo Day

I forgot to write about our trip to Boo at the Zoo!
We had a great time 🙂
It was rather warm that day…all these kids were running around in winter costumes.  I bet they were dying outside!  Connor was so excited to see all the animals.  Definitely a lot more interested than the last time we visited the zoo. 
Here are some pictures of our day together sweet boy :
This monkey was seriously “VOGUE” working it!

 Here we go!
Don’t looks so excited Connor!

 Playing games
 It’s an OWL!!!
 Checking out all his prizes
After seeing “Planet of the Apes” this picture kind of scares me! Ha ha!

4 thoughts on “Boo at the Zoo Day

  1. I found your blog from a friend of a friend of a friend hahaha My son Carter was born the day after Connor! So fun to find other bloggers going through the same stages of toddlerhood. Glad to be following along now- feel free to check us out too 🙂

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