We have the Ickies

I’ve been out of commission on the computer this week because we have all been a bunch of sickies in our house. Connor sounds like Darth Vader according to his Aunt Rebecca! LOL! He is so conjested and I don’t know what to do to help him at this age because most medications are for 2 years and older. Poor little guy πŸ™

Halloween is right around the corner….are ya’ll going to dress up? I want to, but I have NO idea what I would be! I have been baking a lot lately and I’ll post the recipe to the cream cheese banana bread below. I was looking at Halloween cakes today and look at these creepy cakes…….
This one is really cute!



3/4 cup butter
8 ounces cream cheese softened
2 cups sugar
2 large eggs
3 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups mashed bananas (about 4 medium)
1 cup chopped pecans
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Serves 12-24

350 degrees for 1 hour

And a new video! Connor is 7 1/2 months now and he’s learning very quickly! Daddy and I were “click click clicking” with our tongue and he picked up on it and did it too! It was so cute!

Simply Bags

Simply Bags sent me this lovely red velvet bag with my name on it! They have the cutest embroidered tote bags! I am going to use this one around Christmas time because it’s the perfect color and it’s velvet. They have lots of other selections including diaper bags, tote bags and insulated lunch bags. Go check out their site HERE

That’s my name!
So cute πŸ™‚

Fall Food & Fun Weekend

We had another pretty laid back weekend. Terence & I worked the 2 year old nursery room at church. We had a little preview of what is to come I guess! Those kiddos were running circles around us and somehow I got diaper duty πŸ˜› Thank goodness there were only four of them! I’m so excited that Halloween is only a couple weeks away. I love to pass out the candy to all the kids and visit with the neighbors. After church we went grocery shopping at Whole Foods…..

I love all the pumpkins that were outside
I made some banana bread this weekend
It was cream cheese banana bread and the cream cheese made if very moist!

Every week we make fruit baggies to take to work for breakfast. It usually consists of strawberries, cantaloupe, and grapes. It takes awhile to cut up all the fruit, but so much cheaper to do it yourself than buy the pre-made stuff!

Another fall goody!
Reese’s DARK chocolate peanut butter cups πŸ™‚
Speaking of peanut butter….
I love getting the fresh ground peanut butter at the store and dipping apples in it…it’s so good!

Terence and I are enjoying our new Nespresso machine
We bought vanilla syrup from Starbucks for $6.95 and make our drinks at home.
It’s a LOT cheaper this way too πŸ™‚
My friend Beth Ann sent me this owl necklace
Thank you so much it made my day πŸ™‚
(excuse the carrot stain on my shirt!)
Connor loves sitting in high chairs at restaurants
and he loves chewing on napkins ha..ha..

He also LOVES riding in the shopping cart
Such a BIG BOY!
We also went to see our precious Granddaddy in the hospital this weekend
We love you so much Granddaddy and are praying for you every day!!!
Hope you all are having a good week too πŸ™‚

CSN Review

CSN is an awesome company! They have an array of over 200 stores! I’ve found everything on CSN from baby gear, shoes, and dining sets. My husband and I are in the midst of decorating our new home. One of the pieces we are looking to purchase is a dining sets along with an area rug for the dining room.

These two are just what I was thinking…..

Go check out CSN now!

20% off rugs with promo code FALL20

Happy Shopping!


This post is going to be all over the place because my head is all over the place right now! The other day Terence went in to check on Connor during nap time and he found him like this……
Connor was butt naked with his hiney in the air. He took his diaper off all by himself! ha..ha..

And of COURSE he tee tee’d all over his bed πŸ˜›
Why did you wake me up?
Why are you laughing at me???
A sweet customer at work brought me a baseball piggy bank she hand painted for Connor with all his stats on it. It is so beautiful and it meant so much that she spent time to do something so personal and special for me. Also, another customer brought me a fern plant last week too! He said he grows them himself and obviously it was something he took great pride in and wanted to give me one! I’m so blessed to have such sweet customers & they mean so much to me πŸ™‚
I ordered this little coat for Connor today on Zulily. Can I just tell you how OBSESSED I am with that site??? I love it!

This is totally random…..
But do ya’ll notice how similar some of the “Real Housewives” look like other celebrities and soap opera divas? I look at them sometimes and say “hmmm..they sure do look like so and so….”
Here is a little list I compiled :

I am so ready for the weekend. I want to just relax and spend time with my family. I would also love to go to the TCU game or hang out with some friends….other than that I don’t have much planned! I hope you all have a great weekend too!

Rock & Roll

Our sweet friend Abby sent us the cutest baby belt from her new website called My Baby Belts. Connor is modeling the one that says “Rock & Roll” on it. It is adorable and I’ve already taken him out wearing it and people are going NUTS over this belt ya’ll!

He’s a little bitty feller so his pants are droopy…Terence & I
were just talking about getting him a belt and this is perfect for him πŸ™‚


He looks like such a big boy

Isn’t it just the cutest thing you have ever seen???

Go visit Abby over at MY BABY BELTS and let her know I sent ya!
There are more styles to choose from and a sizing chart so you’ll know what size to order.

Connor is definitely rockin and a rollin in this belt πŸ™‚
Thank you so much Abby!

Use coupon code branch5% for 5% off

She is also offering free standard shipping until Nov. 1st!
Beautiful baby curls πŸ™‚