I’m still here…I haven’t left planet earth!

I’m just trying to take it day by day as I’ve been really puny!

Thanks to those who recommended the zofran – I feel a lot better today. It really has helped, the only side effects I’ve had is a bit of dizziness.

One day I’ll get back to my daily blogging – right now please forgive me – it’s all I can do to get through the day!

I think I am losing my mind…

  • I forgot to put my deodorant on again today
  • I forgot to put blush on yesterday
  • I forgot to put eyeshadow on the day before that
  • I forgot to plug my phone in several times this week

And lots of other stuff I am FORGETTING right now….

This baby is taking over!

I did have an ultrasound on Tuesday-there is just ONE in there 🙂

Not to mention I just lost all my breakfast this morning…..oh Lordy!

I Love You Sidder

I love you my best friend
Bonnie sent me the sweetest card and a belly book to document each trimester. I love her so much…just wish we were closer so we could see each other. We talk every day though!

A midwife that goes to my in-laws church said to eat legumes (beans) for nausea, so tonight I made a quesadilla with black beans and cheese.

And my homemade salsa of course 🙂

Eat your BEANS!
Thanks for all the tips for nausea-it comes and goes-but my doctor said that is a good sign!

My new best friends

I am so out of it lately….maybe EVENTUALLY I’ll return to my normal self! I’ve been relying on these things to help with nausea. I go to bed around 8 pm every night and STILL tired…hopefully this will surpass and I’ll be back to normal soon!

Sea Bands-help with nausea

Ginger Ale

Saltine Crackers

What are your tips to deal with nausea and tiredness? Anyone…anyone…???

July Weekend

All I have been doing all week is sleeping. I feel like I am going crazy sometimes-it’s like I can feel my hormones raging and my anxiety is heightened. Yesterday Terence went to the lake with friends and I just stayed home and relaxed. I love that show Kings on TV, it’s very good you should watch it! I got the Britney purse at Kohl’s – except in purple…it’s huge and I love it!

At work last week my co-workers got me cupcakes, flowers, and balloons…they are so sweet!
Only a couple more weeks until Vegas. We have a lot of decisions to make in the coming months. Right now I am planning to continue working because I don’t see a way around it…but daycare is so expensive! We are weighing the pros and cons. We will probably have to move to a bigger apartment, if I decide to stay home then I know we can’t buy a house right now with my income gone. Stupid economy. Oh well-you do what you gotta do sometimes and the most important thing is this baby is healthy and happy. Excited, happy, scared, nervous-all those emotions…

Thank you all for your prayers! XOXO Becky

So Blessed

I came home from work a couple days ago and I took at test….I’ve been EXTREMELY tired lately. It was POSITIVE!!!! I can’t hardly believe it! I went to the doctor yesterday to get my blood work done so I just ask that you all pray that everything will be alright. They estimated I am around 5 1/2-6 weeks….still VERY early. I am so behind on everything and SO tired…yesterday when I got home from work I slept from 6pm until this morning…..

We are thrilled…Terence is still in shock I think! I am so excited that Bonnie and I will get to experience this journey together. We’ve done everything together so I guess this is only fitting (it’s a twin thing!) The Lord has the perfect timing for everything! Lots of decisions to make in the coming months….and I am still praying for each and every one of you that desire to be a mother, I KNOW God has a perfect plan for you and in His time it will happen. Love, Becky
Normally I would write more….but I am exhausted….sorry….