Vegas BABY!

I had a good visit in Vegas with sidder. It was HOT….and I wasn’t feeling good 90% of the time 🙁 We made the most of our time together even though Bon had to work and I stayed in her apt with the doggies a couple days. Mom and Dad finally arrived from Arkansas on Friday. That night we went to The Cheesecake Factory and walked around Caesar’s Palace and the Bellagio. I didn’t get to spend much time with Mom and Dad, just Friday night and Saturday morning…and yes, I cried when they dropped me off at the airport (hormones)…I want my Mommy and Daddy to be close so bad…..especially now.

Here is our “Britney” pose with the snake at FAO Schwartz

Mom and Dad brought us a TON of Nannie’s tomatoes…our favorite! Thank you Nannie 🙂
Tastes like HOME

Water fountains outside the Bellagio

Mom and Dad
(Nana & Opa???)

Mom LOVES penguins

Here is our pose tribute to Aunt Karli….hiding our “gobbler”

and a real picture

Jason and Daddy

We saw some bling…this is what I want for our 10 year honey???

Diamond encrusted Rolex

Jason patting Bon’s belly


Buffet at the Wynn

Desserts from the buffet-that I couldn’t eat b/c I am not craving ANY sort of food right now…blah!!! I did enjoy a bite of each. We DID NOT go to Serendipity….after all the hype I wasn’t craving it….I know…I’ll kick myself later, but there is always next time!

And in case you haven’t heard….Bon and Jason are having a BOY!
I love you my dear family and I miss you all way too much!
I am off to bed and it’s only 6:15 – I made it through work only getting sick twice…..morning sickness please go away SOON!

Fall…where are you?

Yesterday after church Terence and I went to Cracker Barrel, I love their carrots and macaroni and cheese. YUMMY! I want to find a good baked macaroni and cheese recipe I can make at home to taste like theirs. In the country store they were already decked out for Halloween…I am sure if I walked into Hobby Lobby right now I would see Christmas everywhere! ha..ha..

I am SO sick of this summer heat and ready for fall. I changed my screen saver at work to a fall scene so at least I can look at it and think of the season to come! I love these red trees – anyone know what they are???
I am excited about having a baby and taking them to a pumpkin patch someday and drinking apple cider and having hay rides and taking cute pictures surrounded by pumpkins 🙂

Pumpkin Muffins
This morning I went to Panera Bread because I HAD to have a Pumpkin Muffie

Of course hot chocolate…hello?!?!
I am so looking forward to trying out the Serendipity 3 frozzen hot chocolate this week!
I don’t think me and Bon will be walking up and down the strip to much and we can’t go into casinos because they are usually pretty smokey. I’m sure we will still have fun!
I love gourds – they are the perfect fall decor

Okay…guess that is all for now…now don’t you just wish it was 50 degrees outside and fall???

Stuck on Level 2

Today has been a LONG day! We slept in late and then got up to go out to lunch and then see a movie. We ate lunch and then walked back to the car only to find it wouldn’t start! Of course we don’t know a soul in this town so we called for roadside assistance (which we pay for every month…just in case) TWO HOURS later they finally show up after they promised at the most we would only have to wait an hour. Luckily it was just the battery and we bought a new one at Auto Zone. Shortly after that we got a call to survey our service and rated them POOR! poo on them to keep us out in the 100 degree heat and I’m pregnant (have to play that card) I mean really it’s not an ideal situation for anyone!

We did finally get to our movie – Harry Potter – it was very good. I haven’t read the books, I just thought the ending of this one kind of cut off in the middle of the story and left you saying “what that was the end???” “hello!”

Now we are watching Kings and eating dinner -happy to be in the air conditioning 🙂
Here I am about to pass out fanning myself!


Tonight Terence and I had dinner at Chili’s. They have a new deal on their menu where you can eat for two for $20.00 – includes an appetizer, two entrees, and a dessert.
While eating we played with Chili’s new little “TV” entertainment center…there was one at each table featuring games/movie times and previews/trivia quizzes. You can even pay for you bill at the table and it spits out your receipt and asks you to rate your service! How cool is this little device? It was a lot of fun and very entertaining 🙂

*Of course we split a molten lava cake for dessert*
It is the weirdest thing because lately I have NOT been craving any kind of sweets and usually I am a chocoholic sweet tooth crazed person – so this is definitely a change for me!

I want one

They are HUGE and I could just chill in them forever!

We saw these at the mall last Saturday

Also-While at the mall I went into Motherhood Maternity to get some of those preggo pops to help with nausea. They ask you if you have been in before and of course I said “no”. They gave me a huge bag of coupons, a bottle, and lotions. It was nice to get that free stuff. All you new moms need to hit up Motherhood Maternity and get on the mailing list for your free goodies 🙂