I love some bananas


Reducing Depression – improved mood
Reduce Anemia
High in Fiber
Eyesight Protection
Healthy Bones
Colon Health
Healthy Kidney
Prevent High Blood Pressure
Morning Sickness
Help you quit Smoking
Relieves Ulcers
Nerve Function
Stress Relief


I’ve been team tagged by Amanda Roo & Mrs. Southern Bride Double time! So I guess that means I have to think of something to say-ya’ll I’m not good at thinking of stuff! Okay-boo hoo-I’m over it! Now, the rules are to post 10 things about you that are true, that your readers might not know (I don’t know what you DON’T know already!). Then you have to tag other bloggers to do the same. Don’t forget to put your award on your page!!

1. I have a crazy dream to have one of those Christmas villages set up in my house one day. I would devote a whole room full of shelves and shelves of Christmas villages so I could go in there and sit and listen to Christmas music no matter what time of year and be happy!
2. I think I only want one child-is that wrong?
3. I don’t eat red meat…haven’t had a burger in over 10 years.
4. I hope someday when Bonnie and I are old we can live together as little old ladies and dress alike and fluff our hair alike.
5. I hate fish
6. I want a Persian kitty
7. I still like to play with Barbies for real…if I had a little girl then I would have a legit excuse to. I don’t like those Bratz Dollz…they are trying to compete with Barbie, and you just can’t do that!!!
8. I am a major germaphobe
9. When I close my eyes and think about life my mind always wanders back to Nannie and Papa’s house and the farm-my mind always just floats there….the best times.
10. I am a pushover…a doormat…people know this and I always get walked on. The sad part is most of the time I don’t notice this and I don’t mind it. I just want to help people out.
It’s done….now I don’t know who to tag….so every single
one of yuns…you know I love ya so I tag you if you want to play along 🙂

OV Watch

I REALLY want one of these OV watches. It tells you when you are fertile or not. Usually I cannot tell when I ovulate because I’m so not normal. Have any of you ever tried this and did it work? Here is the WEBSITE
OV-Watch is worn on the woman’s wrist while she sleeps. Women start wearing OV-Watch on the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd day of their menstrual cycle and wear it through ovulation. It measures a woman’s changes in her chloride ion levels that are secreted in perspiration every 30 minutes and records up to 12 readings per period. OV-Watch’s patented technology detects the chloride ion surge and alerts the woman to FERTILE DAY 1, FERTILE DAY 2, FERTILE DAY 3, FERTILE DAY 4, OVULATION DAY 1, and the day after. It is the ONLY device of its kind that can give you the 4 days BEFORE ovulation.

Weekend Update

My friend Jennifer, who I met through my (almost) daily encounters at Starbucks started an Etsy shop. She sews the cutest little girl dresses, bags, coffee cozies and handbags. Go check out her Etsy shop HERE

This is the bag she made me, she hand stitched my name on it

How cute right?
Here is the monogrammed coffee cozy too!

I forgot to put my deodorant on Friday…so I made a mad dash to the Walgreen’s and picked up some so I wouldn’t be all stanky during the day! Thank the Lord-you know how hot it’s been here? You can totally see my retainer in this pic-oh yeah that is hawt!

Sorry RPattz, you know how much I love you, but I just can’t do the pit stains! LOL!

Today-after our stop to the Starbucks we headed to Terence’s Aunt’s ranch for Father’s Day. We ate our bellies full and then came back home. I so want that pool they have in their back yard! I went to the gym tonight…aren’t you so proud? Then I got into some OCD cleaning phase that lasted about an hour consisting of vacuuming, scrubbing all the counters, and some laundry. I feel so much better now! I called my Daddy to tell him how much I love him and now I am sitting at the computer relaxing before starting a new week tomorrow.
I love how Terence’s family still gives him father’s day cards….even though he’s not a father yet. They also give me mother’s day cards. I think they know how bad we want to be parents…hopefully someday if it’s God’s will that will happen for us. I long to be a Mom someday and I know Terence would be the best Dad. When you try for so long and it never happens for you it can get SO discouraging…but I know our time will come!
We are blessed to have each other and such loving families. Love you all!
Hope you all had a great Father’s Day! XOXO Becky


JOOLWE is an AWESOME jewelry site!
They have beautiful designer jewelry at AMAZING prices!
You can sponsor one of their giveaways too….all you have to do is subscribe to their newsletter or twitter through their website.
Today they are allowing me to give away one fabulous piece of their jewelry to one of my bloggy readers….to enter just visit their site HERE and tell me what your favorite piece of jewelry is!

The winner will recieve this Sterling Silver Amethyst Pendant


  • Comment on this post with your favorite jewelry from Joolwe.com
  • Become a follower of my blog and recieve an extra entry
  • Enter the Blog Bake-Off and recieve another entry 🙂