Bow making

Okay, I’m going to try and demonstrate how to make a bow. The ribbon I am using is not very good for it because it’s hard and papery. I prefer the softer ribbon, it’s easier to fluff. This will give you the general idea though.

You start out by fan folding your ribbon back and forth. The length can be however long you want. The longer your ribbon, the more poof you will have in your bow. The bigger the folds, the larger your bow will be.

You should end of with something like this.
Now you are going to fold it over in a U shape.

Trim the top of your fold.

It should end up something like this. An “A” shape at the top of your fold.

Unfold the ribbon, but don’t lose your grasp on it because you want it to stay together. The middle should look like the above.

I used a staple to secure the center of my bow. Last year I had clear twist ties and they worked much better. I forgot where I placed them, so for the time being I’ll just use a staple.

Now you just want to pull your bow apart and fan it out. It would normally be fluffy, but because I am using old crappy ribbon today it’s stiff. It still works though.

You should end of with a pretty bow at the end! It’s a lot of fun and something a little personal you can do for your gifts. Just remember the ribbon makes ALL the difference! Happy bow making!!!

We did a little Christmas shopping tonight. I found some cute wrapping paper at Target. I can’t stand the thin paper that tears when you touch it. It has to be the thick paper you can leave a good crease in.

I love this paper from Papyrus, but at $8.95 a roll I don’t think so!
I also love this paper from Container Store, but at $8.49 a roll that’s still steep.

I did buy most of my paper last year at Container Store though. They got major points from me because they showed me how to make those big beautiful bows out of ribbon. The lady in the store took her time with me and spent like 30 minutes showing me how to make all kinds of bows! So nice! I just hope I haven’t forgotten all the skills I learned last year???

Now this people is the best invention created by man besides the wheel I guess…and a bunch of other things. But for me it is a masterpiece! I love it and how did I ever live without it? It’s one of those Scotch paper cutters, you just slide it along your wrapping paper and whoa-la!!!! A STRAIGHT LINE! Well, that’s all for now! Sister is coming to visit me from Vegas next week…I’m getting SOOOOO SUPER excited! Already thinking of all the fun things we are going to do together 🙂

Cake Balls!!!

Well, I thought I would try to make the cake balls everyone is talking about today while I was off work. Gave me something to do anyways! Here is how it went…

Bakety, bakety, bake..bake..bake…

I just had Terence test one out for me. He said they were pretty good! It was kind of messy though and the red velvet cake dye didn’t help much, whatever it touches turns red! I’m glad I finally tried it out to see what all the fuss is about. I made smiley faces. I wanted to do some sort of fall them, but it didn’t work out that way. I bought the cute little jeweled skewers and it looks like the smiley faces are throwing a party with a kazoo coming out of their mouths. If you haven’t made these cuties you can find recipes for them at BAKERELLA.

Dear Lord why is it 80 degrees in November? Please send some cold our way. I would be very thankful for it!

Terence and I have been talking about where we would like to move if he gets a job somewhere other than here in TX. I said just somewhere a little cooler would be nice. Then he said “what about Alaska?” I think that would be awesome, especially since my BFF Sara lives there. But I don’t know about living that far away. That kinda freaks me out a little But we will go wherever the Lord leads us.

Starbucks has all their Christmas coffees out now! Including eggnog latte, peppermint twist mocha,and a variety of hot chocolates. Yeah! I love it! I tried the “Truffle latte” today. It is the signature hot chocolate with shots of espresso…it was DELISH!

Also-in my mailbox today I got two free truffles from Godiva! Love free stuff! Bring on the chocolate pleazzzzzze!

Tonight is election night and no matter what the outcome just remember who is really in control of our country! God! Amen…that’s all I have to say about that 🙂

Hubby wanted to get me one of my favorite movies on Blu-Ray.
Love, love, love this movie and because of it we MUST go to Ireland!
Also, sweet sister sent me a Twilight bookmark. She and I are both obsessed with everything Twilight right now. My husband says we are like a couple of teenagers with this obsession. She’s flying to see me on Nov. 21st weekend to go see the movie together and I’m beyond excited about it! We are going to take Fort Worth by storm!
I’m trying to get into reading The Host, which is another book written by Stephenie Meyer. So far I keep comparing it to the Twilight series and then keep going back and re-reading the other books. But it’s good so far, I just need a quiet moment to get into it and read a little more.
Thank you for all your sweet words! I’m feeling better today…still tired….but better for the most part. XOXO Becky

Trip to the ER

This has been QUITE a day! I left from work this morning to go to the ER because I was bleeding really bad all night and wasn’t feeling well this morning. They took some blood work and did an exam. Everything was fine. I had a slight fever and my blood count was a little low.

I am so sick of this…and it makes me scared. Scared that I’ll never be able to have children and nobody can fix it. Just the same old thing…temporary medicine. I’m getting very discouraged and if this keeps up I don’t know what I’ll do. I just don’t want to have a hysterectomy before age 30! The nurse was so nice and understanding. My hormones are going crazy right now, poor Terence has to deal with me on edge like this! Time for a NAP!