Five Faves on Friday

I’m linking up with Leslie and Lauren today for some fun Friday link-ups and it’s also a great way to meet other bloggers 🙂

1. Do any of you have an Apple vs Windows computer that you work on photography with?  If so, what are your thoughts?  I have always loved the huge monitor on Apples…but I am so used to Windows programming.


2. This boy is getting so big! It seems like when we chopped his hair off he aged 5 years. I
want to grow it out for the fall though.
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3.  I got new blog cards thanks to Klout.  I never know what to put on these things???  What do you put on the cards you hand out to friends and other bloggers?


4. I found a new phone cover and I LOVE it! It’s so hard to find cute phone covers for Droids.  This one is a lot thinner.  Has anyone with an S4 had trouble with their battery over-heating on their #Samsung phone?  Because mine has been getting so hot and shutting down lately for NO REASON!!!  Grrrrrr…..

5. If you aren’t using this then you should be.  It’s great stuff.  I have pretty thick brows anyway, but this just fills them in nicely and completes my makeup.  I feel a lot more polished when my brows are in line 🙂  It’s called Benefit Cosmetics Brow Zings.


It’s FRIDAY!!!

Twinkie Tues-Wednesday?

My sister and I….sigh

We love and fight with each other like nobody’s business! Starting with clothes from each other’s closets, sharing a car growing up, starting our first job together.  We’ve been through it all TOGETHER.

I’m so BEYOND happy for her that she’s finally found happiness with Vinny and Jarrett has a great Daddy.  God truly answered prayers.

Some people ask us what it’s like to be a twin, but it’s hard to describe.  It’s especially hard living so far from each other.  But absence makes the heart grow fonder right?  So when we see each other we get so excited….then we fight again…then we make up!  Ha ha!  It’s a vicious cycle!

As we grow older things have changed, and it’s definitely hard to be separated.  No matter what I know we can always pick up where we left off.  We disagree a LOT….but it’s crazy how similar we are on other things.

Growing up a twin is having someone to do everything with.  We started school together ( you have a friend for every grade you start so you aren’t alone)  That makes it harder for you to stand on your own when the time comes to grow up.  We had our first job together, shared a car, never shared boyfriends….we did date brothers for a hot second.  Ha ha!

Everything is always “equal” and “fair” because if one of us got something the other liked better then queue the CRAZY crying!

Anyway, it’s a relationship like none other.  But it’s one I’d never mess with or change.

I love being a twin 🙂

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We always said if our husbands die first we’ll move in together and hot roll our hair. I guess we came into the world together and if we have to we can go out the same way!  At least I have a place to go right?


Welcome to the $500 Summer Dreams Cash Giveaway!

We have joined forces with an amazing group of bloggers to bring you this great giveaway. One lucky person will win $500 cash.

Enter to win $500 cash via PayPal.

Complete the tasks below to earn entries into this giveaway.

Refer your friends using your unique link to earn even more chances to win.

Open Worldwide.

Ends at 11:59pm ET on August 19th, 2014.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

This giveaway was coordinated by Giveaway Promote.
If you love entering giveaways, visit Giveaway Promote to find the greatest giveaways listed in one place.

The Moo Moo: Not Just for Grandma

When I get home from work the first thing I usually do is run to my room and take off all my clothes and put on my “Moo Moo”.

For as long as I can remember my Grandma and my Mom have worn things like this:


This is usually referred to as a housecoat or “duster”.

Whelp.  I’m slowly morphing into that….

I bought this swim cover at Lands End earlier this year and have never actually worn it AS a swim cover…but let me tell you it makes the perfect Moo Moo!

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My child loves to be in every single photo 🙂   He’s legit.  I love him.  And that mirror is DIRTY!  I posted my Moo Moo on Instagram last night and I loved hearing that I’m not the only one who is morphing into granny wear.

Give me my “duster” and my Moscato and I’m a happy girl!

13 Years

Today is our 13 year anniversary 🙂

We celebrated over the weekend and saw a movie called Lucy….which was a weird movie in my opinion.  Terence’s Dad kept Connor for us so we could spend some time together and you know how it is after you have a kid you don’t know what to do with yourself when you are ALONE!  Ha ha!

No, really we had a great time movie watching, dining, and just talking about life & the future.

We’ve had a lot of ups and downs through the years, but I can honestly say there is nobody I’d rather spend life with.  Terence is my rock.  He’s a great husband, daddy, and provider.  Each year that goes by I love him more and more.  Although I don’t always show it, I hope he knows how special he is to me.

I love you baby and here’s to another 50 years <3


Throwback to our wedding day.  No digital photos and I had just gotten a cell phone because beepers were phasing out.  Isn’t that crazy?  It makes me feel old!adsfdfbeckwed3_(2)-Edit

Terence and I when we were dating. I laugh at us now, we thought we were so cool back then. We fell hard and fast for each other.  But I’m so glad we found each other early in life. That just means God gave us more time together on this Earth. I honestly don’t think we would be where we are, or the people we are today unless we found each other then. Isn’t it amazing how God has all those things laid out for you before you even know about them? He brought this Texas boy all the way to Arkansas just for me….and I’m forever thankful.

I may have a few extra wrinkles now and I’m definitely not that skinny anymore, but I hope Terence always looks at me like I’m beautiful.  Because I’ll always look at him like he’s the love of my life…..forever.  That’s the joy of spending life together….you get to experience it all.  Thank you Lord for loving us and always providing.  Thank you Lord for this man and the love we have.  xoxo
BeckyTerence birthday (Small)

Fruit Shoot #StuntHunt Contest

Fruit Shoot is currently celebrating imaginative activities with a really special competition.  Fruit Shoot is looking to families across the U.S. to share videos of your kids doing amazingly active stunts.


Here’s the trick: Your submission has to feature a Fruit Shoot bottle and a ball of your choice. The best of your videos will get the Hollywood treatment with special effects added to bring your kids’ imagination to life! You’ll instantly receive a coupon for a free bottle of Fruit Shoot just for registering!


Need a cool ball to shoot your video with? Any time you buy 6 bottles of Fruit Shoot in-store, you can send away for a FREE Waboba ball, the ball that bounces on water!


So grab your camera, and show us what you can do!


Robinsons Fruit Shoot is a Fruit Juice Drink designed especially for kids! It offers a unique blend of water and 25% Fruit Juice delivering tasty& fruity refreshment that contains no artificial colours, sweeteners or flavors.

Fruit Shoot has yummy flavors like Apple, Berry Burst,  Orange, & Strawberry Raspberry.

Here is Connor’s video below “Bowling for Fruit Shoot“:

Friday STUFF.

Connor’s been really enjoying swim lessons lately and I love watching him swim! It’s an indoor pool, so it’s like a 30 minute sauna for me and a 30 minute swim lesson for him. I come out SOAKED! It’s so hot up in there.

I got these cute little glasses from the Nordstrom Pop-In shop #PoketoThey had the cutest items in there.  I think the fall there is going to be a new Pop-In shop…can’t wait!

These are the perfect size for Connor, but they are real glass.  He feels like a big boy using them 🙂

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 Cute pens from Poketo:


I found this lace swing top at the Nordstrom sale too.  It was in the SPORTS (Active wear) section and I couldn’t believe it!  It was only $23 bucks and I LOVE it!  The brand is Haute Society I think.


I found this floor sample shelf at Pottery Barn Kids a few weeks ago. I’m so proud because I hung it ALL BY MYSELF! It was a steal and it’s pretty big. Originally priced at $100 on sale for $39.99!


Well that’s about it for now! Happy Friday everyone!

Can you believe it’s in the 80’s in TEXAS right now???? CRAZY!
