Saving Money with #Compare2Win

I am a member of the Collective Bias Social Fabric® Community. Collective Bias has provided me with compensation for my time and effort to evaluate this website. #Compare2Win #CollectiveBias Participation in this program is voluntary. As always, all opinions are 100% my own.

I remember when I turned 16 and was FINALLY able to drive a car.  At that age being able to drive a car is “everything“.  I took the course and the test….I was praying I passed because I wanted that license to drive in my wallet sooooo bad!

My parents had my twin sister and I getting our license at the same time.  Bless their heart.  We inherited my Dad’s old Geo Prism.  That was our very first car.  We shared it driving back and forth to school and to work.  There were many fights on who would drive or pay for gas.  Ha ha!  I remember those moments well.


We thought we were so cool when we got our first car.  Our parents made us a deal, if we wanted to drive we had to pay for our own car insurance.  I’m sure paying for two newly licensed teenagers wasn’t cheap.  So, we got jobs and paid for insurance and gas when we could.  Mom and Dad ended up helping us out a lot.

When shopping for car insurance we wanted the best rate at the cheapest cost.  Let’s face it…we wanted to spend the majority of our paycheck on clothes and makeup.

If your going through this right now with a teen or just looking for rates is a great site to compare them.  Just visit the website, type in your zip code, and fill out your profile. Once finished you’ll get a report of the best auto insurance rates from several different companies.


If you choose to drive you MUST have insurance!  I was hit by a car right before Christmas & the guy didn’t have insurance. Dealing with that entire ordeal was such a pain.  I’m sure the guy that hit me is kicking himself because it was thousands of dollars to fix my car.  Being insured protects you and so many others out on the road.

Finding a good rate on auto insurance can save you thousands of dollars and it only takes a few minutes to check it out.  The monthly rate you pay for insurance will be much less than if you get in an accident and have to pay for damage.

So, I filled out my info and searched for my quote:

dfgfga is a first-of-its kind, independently operated one-stop-shop site that empowers consumers to quickly search, compare and purchase auto insurance, saving time and money online, consumers can retrieve their current auto insurance policy information and compare it apples-to-apples with carrier quotes offered on

With, consumers have access to compare real-time quotes directly from top carriers, and policies can be purchased directly through the site or via phone with one of their licensed agents

There is no cost associated with searching and comparing quotes – consumers can obtain a quote with no obligation to buy, giving them the control they want without the added pressure to purchase, consumers get a transparent and unbiased comparison to help them realize significant savings and have a greater piece of mind. is available in these states right now: Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Mississippi.

Here are my 6 month quotes:


That’s not too bad.  It’s around $130 a month for auto insurance.  (This all depends on what kind of coverage you choose of course!) 

If you’re looking to save some money on car insurance check out it never hurts to check it out and you may save a little moolah!

Check out on FACEBOOK & TWITTER too!

Finish This Linkup: Week 18

1.  I feel an adrenaline rush when …  I drink coffee?  Does that count?  No, I guess when I do something that makes someone extremely happy I get so excited about it.  I am a people pleaser at heart and I love to give and make people happy 🙂IMAG0350-650x975


2.  I feel energized when … I DRINK COFFEE???!!!???  That sounds repetitive doesn’t it.  Or, on the rare occasion I exercise ha ha!

3.  I feel small when … People talk down to me or act like I don’t know what I’m talking about.  If someone tells me I can’t do something that just makes me work harder to GET IT GIRL!

4.  I feel big when … I eat an entire carton of Ben & Jerry’s the night before.  Uhm….or I guess I feel big when I can do something that only adults can do 🙂  Like my mother always said “When you grow up you can tell me how to drive!”

5.  I feel indestructible when … I don’t think there is ever a time I feel completely indestructible.  If my confidence level is up then that’s good.  I’ve talked about my struggle with anxiety and depression on this blog before….so I have a lot of hang ups.  But I love life and try to do the best I can.  Lord knows I can’t cook.  If I cook a nice meal I feel good & sometimes shock myself!

6.  I feel stupid when … I do something that is SO obvious!  Which happens quite a bit actually….the older I get I ask myself “Really, Becky why in the world did you do that?”  I have the best intentions, but sometimes my mind just wanders away from me.

7.  I feel smart when … I can teach someone something they don’t know.  That’s awesome.  I love the feeling of showing someone something new and making their life easier.  Especially when it’s life changing and can really effect someone’s life.

Connor took this picture of me yesterday when we got home…he’s been wanting to take photos.  Truth: I look ragged when I get home and immediately take off my work clothes, bra, and hop into my jammies!  BEST TIME OF DAY EVER!


Don’t forget to link up with all the gals today!!!


Who is Your #MyHeroMom ?

“I participated in an Ambassador Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for the Northwestern Mutual Foundation. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating #MC .”


Meet Jaycee & Mollie.  These two little girls have been on my heart for the last couple of years.

We know Jaycee because her Dad & my husband were in the Air Force together.  Jaycee has been fighting cancer for the past year and has been through quite a battle.  She’s such a sweet little girl and she’s not able to do so many things a lot of kids her age are able to do.  Jaycee is not out of the woods yet, & prayers are always appreciated.  Read more about Jaycee’s journey HERE.

Mollie is a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart.  Mollie is raised by her grandparents who are very special to my family.  Her Grandpa is a preacher.  He married Terence and I & he also baptized me, my sister, and my Dad.  Mollie was diagnosed a few years ago with cancer that stemmed from her leg.  She went through a long treatment process that ultimately ended in her leg being amputated.  Mollie has the sweetest spirit and is a great artist 🙂 Read more about Mollie HERE.

These two girls are heroes.  So are their Moms and families.

From now until May 13 Northwestern Mutual is rallying sons, daughters and those who want to honor their own “heroic” moms or mother figures by uploading images of them to Twitter, Instagram and/or Facebook with the hashtag #myheromom.

For each social action (image upload, Facebook share and like, tweet and retweet) generated by consumers, the Northwestern Mutual Foundation will donate $5 to its nonprofit partner, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF), up to $50,000 for childhood cancer research. This is a great cause you guys!

To learn more about the #MyHeroMom initiatives please check out the video below:

Upload your images today using the #MyHeroMom Facebook App

Please be sure to tag the image with the #MyHeroMom hashtag.

Here’s #MyHeroMom & I can’t wait to see yours!

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euphoria Calvin Klein: A Radiant Gift For Mother’s Day #MC

“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for euphoria Calvin Klein. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”

Mother’s Day is this weekend.  We all know how much Mom’s do for us and want to make them feel extra special on Mother’s day.  Growing up I didn’t always appreciate my Mom like I do now…but I’m so blessed to have her as my Mom.

My Mom did so much for us.  She gave birth to twins (I can’t imagine), cleaned our bottoms, fed us, took us shopping for clothes as teens (the horror!), and so much more I’d have to write a book on everything my Mom has done for us.

Every year I always try to get my Mom flowers or a corsage.  Anything to make her feel special on Mother’s day & remind her how much I love her.   My hope is every time she looks at it she feels special 🙂

This year Macy’s has a great deal for Mother’s day.  If you purchase a euphoria Calvin Klein perfume, you will also receive a beautiful potted Orchid.D7K_8236

You can purchase this deal online or in the store.  Your gift will be added automatically at checkout with any qualifying euphoria Calvin Klein  item. Available while supplies last.  A list of Macy’s stores can be found HERE.D7K_8239
The Orchid is so beautiful!  It arrived at my doorstep in perfect condition and I’ve been enjoying it ever since.  The perfume is a polished scent with notes of pomegranate, persimmon, lotus blossom, and mahogany.  I’ve really enjoyed wearing it.  My husband likes it too!

Sometimes as a Mom you don’t always feel “put together”, but spraying on a beautiful scent can automatically make you feel good and change your mood.  For some reason when I spray my favorite perfume on in the morning I feel like I’m ready to face the day.


The euphoria Calvin Klein perfume is perfectly paired with the Orchid for a special Mother’s day gift.  As a mom I can tell you that I would love to get this on Mother’s day 🙂

Hurry!  This deal ends on May 12.D7K_8246
Connor took this picture of me.  He always calls me “his princess”.  He’s such a sweet boy 🙂  I love being his Mommy and I’m even more excited because we are going to visit MY mommy next week in Arkansas.  I haven’t seen my Mom since Christmas, so it’s going to be an extra special time.  I can’t wait to tell her how much I love her and how thankful I am for everything she’s ever done for me.  D7K_8251

We hope you all have a blessed Mother’s day and don’t forget to tell your Mom how much you love her!


This week has been a doozy!  The weather’s getting warmer and I’m trying to enjoy it before I start getting a sunburn from being outside for 5 minutes & pit stains.  That’s Texas for ya!

I’m really enjoying doing photo shoots on the weekends.  If you are interested in a Mother’s Day “Mommy and Me” email me at

1.  I’m kinda obsessed with everything from Click & Blossom right now.  If you have a photographer in your family or a friend who is one then you must check out this site!



2. Connor’s been having a hard time adjusting to his new school. He’s been getting in trouble and not listening….so we decided to start a sticker chart.  It helps us work with the teachers to implement good behavior and Connor can associate what he is doing with the color of sticker he gets for that day.

  • If he gets a green sticker: he gets to watch a movie that night.
  • If he gets a yellow sticker: he goes to his room until his Daddy gets home, eats dinner, then gets to read a book before bed.
  • If he gets a red sticker: he has to go to his room, eat, then stay in his room for the rest of the night.  We talk about his day and how he can work on being better and listening in the classroom.IMG_20140430_135228


I’m proud to report yesterday we had a GREEN sticker day!!!

3. Big shout out to Jessica at Diamond Doll Designs for my new fab header.  If you need any kind of graphic design or blog design work she’s your gal.  Contact her HERE.


4.    Summer time is officially here.  We had a really fun BBQ last Friday that my work sponsored.  This is my co-worker Carolyn’s son and Connor. Connor just loves her boys! We had to literally pry him off that bounce house slide. Bubbles….we’ve been doing bubbles a lot lately too 🙂D7K_7871D7K_7880D7K_8180

5.  Now that fresh herbs are in season I’m enjoying making my favorite: Margarita pizza!!!!



H-E-B: Budget friendly + Quality Diapers #HEBBabyDiapers #ad

Tracking PixelThis is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of H-E-B Baby Diapers.


I remember when I was pregnant and stocking up on diapers like a crazy hoarder.  As we did this I was also calculating in my head the expense of all the diapers.  I would ask my friends, “So how many diapers do you use in a day or a month?”  I was trying to get a feel for what was to come.  It was great to get diapers at showers and things like that.  I honestly thought we had enough diapers to last an entire year after all the baby showers we had.  Yeah….that lasted maybe a couple months!

Then it hits you like ton of bricks.  Diapers ain’t cheap!

Here in Texas we have stores called H-E-B.  They offer great, quality products you already use at affordable prices.

So, when I was checking out diapers to buy I tried  H-E-B Baby Diapers  brand, the quality of the product, and the price were major factors in my decision to purchase.

H-E-B has kiddos covered in both style and substance. H-E-B diapers, sized for newborns to toddlers (newborn-6 years old).  We still use them every night because Connor has bed wetting issues.  Let me tell you how thankful this Mama is not to change sheets every morning!D7K_8201

Over the last year H-E-B has conducted extensive testing and made notable improvements based on what parents wanted.  H-E-B diapers  has Soft-Stretch® waist and side panels which allow your child to move freely and comfortably while helping to prevent leaks.  The patented stretch tabs are designed to hug your child for a better fit, and now newborn diapers feature a convenient umbilical cord cutout.  How cool is that for newborns???

The new diapers boast up to 12 hours of wetness protection, a high-performance, super-absorbent materials to prevent leaks. This allows for a thinner diaper with less bulk that stays consistently strong and provides added protection. Satisfaction is guaranteed, or they will refund your money.


I’m happy parent when I have a happy child who wakes up leak free!

Check out more information on H-E-B diapers and products HERE.

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of H-E-B Baby Diapers.