Friday Five: Link Up

1. We got some Papa Murphy’s Pizza this past week to take home. It’s so easy and good for a working Mama like me!  It’s fresh and delicious.  You just pop it in the oven and viola!

papa murphy

Pepperoni & Spinach, feta, and sundried tomato:
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After they were baked:

2.  My sweet friends at Seattle’s Best Coffee sent me a coffee care package.  I love those peeps they are so nice 🙂IMG_20140226_212018

3.  I found these gorgeous chairs on Craigslist.  I want them for photography shoots SO BAD!  She’s not willing to split them up though.  I anyone in DFW wants to go halfsies with me on these chairs let me know!

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4.  Our #selfieaday HAPPY FRIDAY post!IMG_20140228_092632
5. I love this….amen and amen.  Happy weekend y’all!zu8128053_main_tm1392862266

Finish This Link Up: Week 8


1.  That Jesus is my Lord and Savior.  That is what’s true, it’s what’s I know, it’s what I believe with all my heart

2.  Life isn’t fair.  Growing up a twin you realize that really fast.  Of course there will always be competition (especially if you are a twin).  Don’t compare yourself to others or you’ll always be miserable.  Live life for you, for your family, and let God’s glory shine through your life.  You never know who you will impact from day-to-day.  One reason I love the blogging community!

3.  I know my husband is my best friend.  We have a foundation built on Christ.  If we didn’t have that I don’t think we’d still be together.  Marriage is HARD y’all and it takes work.  We fight and whine at each other, but at the end of the day when we are old and gray I know I want him sitting in the recliner right next to me.  He’s a “know it all” so we should never lack in conversation 🙂  ha ha!  I love him despite all his flaws and I know he loves me.  Loyalty and trust are priority.

4.  I’m totally in a conundrum about the whole “having another child” issue.  My door isn’t closed yet.  I’m no spring chicken.  My fear is I will look back on my life 10 years from now and wish we’d had more kids.  I love Connor with all my heart and so does T.  There is a lot of fear there with how we will manage if we did have another child.  It’s hard to let go of your anxiety and fear and let God take control.  I’d love to hear your thoughts on this issue in particular???  Do you have one child?  Do you have 10?  Thoughts on lots of kids or if you just have one do you regret it now?

5.  This should be obvious….I’ll never stop drinking coffee.  I like all different kinds of coffee, all different flavors, and brands.  I just like COFFEE.  Period.


Dog Tired

We’ve had a lot going on lately.  Some I’ve shared on the blog or Instagram.  I’m lacking mojo and honestly just exhausted.  There are some days I wish I could stay at home with Connor and have a normal routine, exercise, cook dinner, read books…without having to worry about time or money.  I know God is in control of everything and He knows the desires of our hearts.

I recently changed jobs (same company).  I’m working longer hours now.  I love my job and wouldn’t change it for the world, but this week every day I’ve been dead dog tired?  What gives?  I’m trying to eat better and exercise weather permitting.  Terence has a 2 hour commute every day, so he’s also tired and exhausted at the end of each day.  I cook dinner, do laundry, and dishes…..after that I am wiped!  I know this year is going to be full of changes and struggles.  My mind is constantly reeling.  Do you ever have a problem just shutting down your brain?

I don’t want to be that Mom that’s so tired at the end of the day that all I can muster is a frozen pizza in the oven and Connor is stuck in front of the TV the rest of the night just so we can relax.  But I am sorry to admit that’s the way it’s been lately.  We play soccer or read a book.  But somehow I feel like that’s not enough and I’m only giving 75% of what I should be.  Finding balance is hard and there is no magic key to happiness.

Do any of you struggle with these things?  I know I’m going on and on about feeling guilty.  How do you find happiness and contentment in the everyday when you wish things were different?

Our little #selfieaday moments and morning rides in the car is something I cherish.  Connor actually asks to do the selfies.  If I forget he reminds me 🙂  It’s become a memory and is special to him.

So, even if we just have our few special moments together each day it means more to me than anything in the world.  I know I’m lacking a lot in this role of motherhood…but all of that said….it’s the best thing I’ve ever done in my life.


Weekend Wrap Up

We had beautiful weather this weekend! In the 70’s….but I hear a cold front is coming through this week.  I always say I could live up north because I hate to sweat, but then I love the sunshine.  Remind me I said that when it’s 110 this summer.  Ter-Bear and I got a lovely date weekend.  His Dad came and picked up Connor Friday night and Saturday.  We got to sleep in Saturday morning and go out for coffee.  We also saw the movie “Pompei”.  It was really good!  I can’t believe that it’s based on a true story and all those people were buried alive in volcano ash.  Craziness!  There was a love story tied in there too.

Me and my honey

Meanwhile Connor spent the day with Grana and Pop at the new Perot Museum in Dallas.  Pop took lots of pictures for me 🙂  Doesn’t look like he had any fun huh???perotmuseum

Saturday night we had family dinner & all the cousins love to play superheroes.  We are so blessed to have all these little ones to play with and love so much!D7K_5109

My little super ConnorD7K_5131 Today we went down to the lake and fed the birds.  The weather was too nice not to get out and Connor loves to ride his bike.  These birds scared me!!!  They started swarming us the minute they saw food…but they didn’t attack or anything.  Nobody got pooped on.  Ha ha!  D7K_5155 D7K_5209

Happy weekend and may you all have a blessed week!

Live each day and cherish every moment

Five on Friday

1.  I’ve been doing a few photography sessions lately on the weekends…..oh how I enjoy it so much!D7K_4747

I don’t do newborns a lot, but my friend Jenne just had a baby so I asked if I could “practice”.  Isn’t she just a doll?D7K_4854


2.  I can’t believe in a couple of weeks my baby will be FOUR!   My Mama heart is aching at how fast the time is flying…..Screenshot 2014-02-21 03.45.18

3.  It’s been in the mid 70’s here all week.  Which makes me think of spring time….which makes me think of summer.  I think it’s been at LEAST 5 years since I’ve been in a swimsuit.  Barf.  No thank you!

funny swim

4.  Kendra Scott came out with a new SHAPE.  I kinda have an addiction….what do y’all think of it???

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5.  And finally….speaking of diets.  These stupid things are the devil…WHY????  Every year they are on every corner I turn!




Connor’s Last Day

It’s been super busy lately…I say that A LOT don’t I?  I’ve started a new position (with the same company) and it’s closer to home which is very nice 🙂  Connor started a new school to be closer to my new job and we miss his friends at ELC so much.  He seems to like his new school, they just aren’t as hands on as ELC was with us.  I miss them already!  But it’s part of change and growing up and Connor’s getting adjusted to a more “big boy” routine.

Did y’all try the heart shaped donuts from Dunkin Donuts over Valentine’s day???  OMG….soooooo good!

Me and my baby on a #selfieaday photo shoot before school 🙂



The pictures below are of Connor’s goodbye party at school.  All his friends wrote him sweet letters and they had snacks.  Lots of hugs and kisses were given….we’ll be back soon to visit the ELC!!!  We love you all and you’ll always be a special part of our lives 🙂  20140207_143311 20140207_144059 20140207_144313 20140207_144641 20140207_144732 20140207_151937