Every Kiss Begins with KAY….Yeah Right!

Every year around the Christmas season they come out with all the lovely holiday commercials.  Some are sweet, others just make me want to switch channels and barf.

One of the commercials Terence and I always joke about are the KAY commercials.  He looks at me with a HUGE eyeball roll and says “Does anyone really do that?”  Ha ha!!!  I just laugh it off…but you know every girl in America is hoping for that “KAY moment”.  It ain’t gonna happen sweetheart.  Not unless you have an overly sappy guy.  Or at least it won’t happen like the commercials.

So here’s my little spoof of KAY & probably what every dude is really thinking….


That’s right dream on homeboy 165564616_640Yeah…they must have been dating for a whole month165565382_640That’s right kids.  You’re my witnesses.  I really DO nice things for your Mom…now go tell her parents….mmmmkay?418753039_640

So, yeah I’m probably a little skeptic.  Does anyone really have these “KAY moments” or is it just a marketing scheme to disappoint every woman in the universe that instead of a pretty necklace or a set of sparkly earrings they are really going to get a new vacuum or an HD television for the whole family.  Yeah….dream on home girl.  Dream on…..

Connor’s School Christmas Program 2013

We are so thankful that Connor has such a great school to go to while we work. They love him so much and we love them! They put together a precious Christmas program for all the parents and families last night. There’s nothing cuter in the world that watching little kids sing Christmas songs.

D7K_2260 D7K_2268 D7K_2270 D7K_2317 D7K_2319 D7K_2327 D7K_2333 D7K_2357Connor’s School Christmas Program 2013

Thank you ELC for loving our boy as much as we do!

“Bless You!” Kleenex #KleenexTarget #PMedia

“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Kleenex but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #KleenexTarget”


It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  That’s right…Christmas time is here!  Who wants to battle with a cold or flu when you have so much to do and there is so much fun to be had?  Not me.

Connor’s in school and we all know little kids put everything in their mouths, they pick their nose, and they are a magnet for germs.  It seriously grosses me out.  I remember a couple of years ago all three of us got the flu really REALLY bad in our  family.  Connor was first, then me, then Terence went down too.  We felt so helpless and pitiful.  There was nothing we could really do besides lay on the sofa with a box of Kleenex and rest.  I can’t tell you how many boxes of Kleenex we probably went through!

Nobody wants to deal with sickness in their home.  However, you can be prepared to strike back.  We stock up on Kleenex and meds during this time of year.  So, if we do get hit with sickness we’ll be prepared for battle.kleenexWe are big Target shoppers.  While shopping at Target I picked up a load of Kleenex to help get us through the cold season.  I also saved some moolah by printing a $1 OFF COUPON valid at Target. D7K_8950

When Connor gets sick I know his favorite thing to do is lay on the couch with his blanket watching his favorite movies.  He’s also super snuggly when he’s sick (I don’t mind that part!)


I’m looking forward to a happy, healthy, holiday season!  Don’t leave your family in the cold this season.

Remember to print out your $1 off Kleenex 4 packs or larger coupon to shop at Target.

Here’s to a HAPPY & HEALTHY

Christmas season!!!


Our Christmas Cards Part 2 #TopoftheMantel #Sponsored #MC

“I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Cardstore. I received complimentary cards and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”D7K_1204

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I talked to you all about Cardstore?  Well, I finally got them in and I cannot tell you how impressed I was with them.  The paper and print quality was exactly what I had hoped for.  I’ve already mailed out all my cards and everyone has told me how much they love them! 

It makes my day to get a Christmas card in the mail.  I was so excited to send these cards this year and they embodied everything I wanted in my Christmas cards to family and friends.  The price was also very affordable and I’ll definitely be using Cardstore when ordering my future Christmas cards now that I know how awesome they are.  D7K_1201

Cardstore wants you to be able to own the top of the mantel this holiday season by sending beautiful and thoughtful seasons greetings to friends and family members.  Here is our Christmas mantle.  We haven’t got any cards yet….but I know when we do they are going to look great up there!D7K_7848

Cardstore is an innovative online resource that removes the hassle from mailing out holiday cards. Once you create your custom cards with personalized pictures, messages, and signature, Cardstore will print, stamp and send the cards for you – helping to take one huge item off your already full holiday to-do list.

In order to have cards arrive by Christmas Eve, orders need to be placed by December 16th.

So what are you waiting for get those cards in the mail you’re running out of time 🙂  Merry Christmas to all and to all a happy mailbox!