Biggest Loser Week 5

Well….how are you all doing so far on the challenge?


I’m going “okay” but I’m not exactly as motivated as I’d like.  Still eating well.  Trying to avoid my weaknesses {sugar + carbs}.  We had a very busy weekend.  I worked the Fort Worth Stock Show Saturday and then went into work for a few hours.  Terence hasn’t been feeling well all weekend so the boys stayed home.  We had one of our nephews birthday parties and some other miscellaneous things to do. 
The weather here has been in the 70’s.  Typical for Texas…but I’d like to feel the chill in the air a bit longer before we hit our 110+ summers.  Hopefully we’ll get to plan a camping trip in between all the business before it gets too hot and all the critters come out!
I think next week during our challenge I’ll share some of the prizes the winner(s) still undecided about that…..will receive.  I also want you to share some healthy recipes if you have any you just LOVE!  I ordered a book my good friend Kim recommended called “Clean Eating for Busy Families”  I’ll try to share some of the recipes from that.
Okay now down to the nitty gritty:
(Mother nature decided to grace me with her presence…ugh!)
Week 5: -1 lb.
I’ll take it!
I also had the pleasure of meeting Tina from Girl Meets Globe.  She and her family travel and do missions overseas.  She is such a beautiful person inside and out.  It was so nice to meet her after reading each other’s blogs for a few years.
You should go check out her blog-she’s got really cool pictures of all her travels.  They are on their way to England next!!!  I can’t wait to check it out!  xoxo Becky


40% off Valentines!

I’m so happy with how Connor’s Valentines turned out! 


Thanks to Milo Paper!!!


The front and back are so cute, not too girlie and perfect for Valentines day 🙂


Get 40% off right now using code:




She does excellent work and the paper quality is awesome!!!


xoxo Becky


Einstein {Boy Clothing}

Love this little booger.

He’s having a much better week at pre-school and hasn’t cried once this week!

 I love his little Einstein shirt.  It’s from a company called Wes & Willy.  The brand runs really big though!  FYI.  I love this store online called Red 21 Boys.  They have really cute, high quality clothing for BOYS.  And they are great prices and excellent customer service 🙂
Hope you all have a great weekend!!!!
(I was in no way compensated for this post…I just like the store ya’ll!)