They Tell Me I Like Coffee???

How appropriate is this shirt?  I LOVE IT!  It’s from a store called Authentic Mom.  They have the cutest shirts and they are super soft and well made.  I’ll be talking more about them in the next couple months so be on the look out 😉

Connor got his first birthday card in the mail from Nannie Sue.  Since she can’t be with us I tried to take pictures of him opening and they were so cute.  I love the expressions he makes.  He is learning the value of money so I think he knows he can buy a BIG toy from Nannie.  Thank you Nannie Sue we love you so much and are praying for you!

I can’t believe my baby will be 3 years old on Monday….where has the time gone???

I’ll fill you all in on part-ay details soon!

Speaking of Java….Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf has hit Texas by storm.  I’m waiting very patiently for them to set up shop here in Fort Worth.  Anytime I’m in Dallas/Frisco I stop and get me some.  It is soooooo good!

Connor enjoying his dark chocolate shake

Mama got a dark chocolate espresso blended iced coffee…..GULP.  OMGerrrrrrsh. I die.

Please come to Fort Worth soon!

Preppy Plates {A Giveaway}

Have you all heard of Preppy Plates?  They make the cutest custom plates, platters, and several other customized items. 
I just adore this Trellis Sea Platter with our initials.  It’s so dainty.  Displaying things is so much fun when you have something pretty to put it on.

Connor also got some adorable airplane dishes.  The airplane bowl and plate are so cute!  When we opened it he got so excited and has been wanting to eat on it every single night.

Here is a closer view of the platter:
It’s very lightweight and you can pretty much use it for just about anything.
Preppy Plates has excellent quality and customer service too!
Preppy Plates has generously offered to give a Java Mama reader a
$40 gift certificate to their shop!
(Also if you’d like to place an order use coupon code “javamama” for 20% off any purchase through March 7th)


Enter Below Using Rafflecopter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway 


Weekend Wrap-Up+Biggest Loser Link Up

We had a super duper weekend.  Terence hasn’t been feeling that great due to allergies.  The weather is 40 one day and 70 the next.  Who knows?  Back at work today and feeling the end of month crunch.  Looking forward to Connor boy’s 3rd birthday and family and friends visiting.  It’s always nice to have something to look forward to right?
So here is our weekend:
We ate with our good friends Hyung and Sarah at the Olive Garden
Mom & Dad gave us a gift card for Valentines Day so we used that
Thanks Mom & Dad!

 We got yummy tiramisu for dessert!

I drove up to Frisco to meet one of my favorite bloggers.  Kelly from Kelly’s Korner Blog!  I’ve been reading Kelly’s blog for what seems like forever and have always wanted to meet up.  I think we started reading each other’s blogs in 2006 and were both wanting babies…’s amazing to see how God has brought us through that struggle and we have beautiful kiddos now.  Kelly has always been so down to earth and humble on her blog and she is just like that in person.  Even though she is quite the celebrity now 😉 I was laughing because several people wanted to get a picture taken with her while we were sitting there….I don’t know how I would deal with that!  But she handles everything with such grace and is so sweet.  I was glad she made time in her busy schedule to meet up with me and Connor.  It was also nice to meet sweet Laurie too 🙂  The Dot Mom conference looked like so much fun!  I didn’t know about it until last minute so wasn’t able to go-but looking forward to meeting a lot of you at Blissdom too.

Of course while I was up that way we stopped by Coffee Bean & tea leaf=LOVE.

 Connor, Me, and Kelly

Connor woke up dry two times this weekend!!! yay!!!  I also don’t understand why he has to sleep with 1,000 toys?  If I rolled over on them seems like that would hurt???

We got my car cleaned.  Amen!  It was full of crumbs, goldfish, sticky out of this world matter I don’t even want to say….plus we had a spilled milk incident and my car smelled like a sewer for about a week. ICK!  I felt sorry for the poor guy cleaning it.

Looking forward to this mini-series on the History Channel.  It’s called “The Bible” and it’s sort of a remake of “Moses” by Mark Burnett & Roma Downey. 


Okay now down to the nitty gritty….


Biggest Loser ends next week and I’m so proud of all of you!  I’ve been doing okay despite all the sweet treats.  I’m down -1 lb this week.  I really intended on putting a lot more effort into this…but some things have happened at work that have kept me working late and on weekends.  I’m not trying to make excuses.  Just some things going on in my life right now that I hadn’t planned.  Prayers are always appreciated!  Deep breaths too 🙂





Yesterday when I picked up my camera at the store I found this adorable camera strap by MOD.  I am so in love with it!!!  It’s super comfy and stylish.  Of course I opened up my email this morning to find they are having a 25% off sale…figures.  I had to leave my “precious” aka camera at the shop for four days.  So I bought her a birthday pressie 🙂
Isn’t it so cute???
 I’m so glad it’s FRIDAY!!!  My cool dude is too

I posted this on Instagram and love it…my sister texted it to me.  Yes-I am pushing it all week long and real good I might add.


Ah, push it 

Ah, push it 

Oooh, baby, baby 

Baby, baby 

Oooh, baby, baby 

Baby, baby 

Ah, push it – push it good 

Ah, push it – push it real good 

Ah, push it – push it good 

Ah, push it – p-push it real good 

 Okay gals so if you are obsessed with photos like me then head on over to MOD and get your discount!
(I was not compensated in any way for this post I just love it!)


Twinkies Forever

I have a twin.
She used to blog.
We are 5 minutes apart.  I’m oldest 🙂
 I miss her so much I can’t wait to see her next month!

We both have sons 2 months apart.  I wish they could be closer so they wouldn’t think the other lived in a computer.

She’s my best friend.  Though life has taken us on different paths we will always have a special bond that can’t be broken.

 We send each other goofy texts.

I miss Bon Bon. 
I know a lot of you do too….come back to bloggy land Bonnie 🙂
Quit eating Easter candy…..Cadbury eggs go straight to your broad backside 😛