The Coolest Cup for Toddlers

My sister in law found these cups by Reflo the other day and ordered some.  They are so COOL!  These cups teach your toddler how to drink from a regular cup.  It has an insert in the cup that allows for the water to slowly drain through so they can take slow….even sips.  Genius.  I wish I would have thought of this!

If you have a favorite product of the week go link up with Aly

(I was not compensated for this post, it’s just something I thought was cool!)

Photo Dump Day

I took a bunch of photos with my phone lately.  A lot of them are trip photos.  Until I have time to sit and look at the rest of my 500+ photos then I’ll go ahead and share these. 

My family is coming in tomorrow night for Connor’s birthday party and I can’t wait! 

I hope ya’ll are having a good week.  I’ve been so busy my head is spinning and I’ve been so forgetful lately….so frequent emails and reminders help a sista out.  If you’ve messaged/emailed me about something this week and I’ve forgotten PLEASE do it again! xoxo Becky @

First dinner in Paris
A.  England, Windsor
B.  Brighton, England
C. Paris, Arc de Triomphe
 Paris with the cousins
A.  Hot Chocolate
B. Almond Croissant
C.  Cappuccino
A.  Chocolate from Harrods
B.  Starbucks chocolate gold coins….PLEASE COME TO THE US!!!!
C.  Tiramisu
A.  French onion soup
B.  Darth Vador burger
C.  French pastries
 Picture we had drawn of Connor at Montmartre in Paris

The day after we got home my PRECIOUS cousin Emily was in town for work all the way from Oregon.  She stayed the night with us and I was SO glad to see her!  I don’t get to visit with family often enough and I enjoyed her being here.  Come back soon Emily!!!

Yesterday the cupcake truck here in Fort Worth came by work.  We all go yummy cupcakes and devoured them yesterday!  I work with such a great group of people 🙂

Paris: Part One

Tuesday morning we took the chunnel from England to Paris.  We met up with Terence’s other cousin Katy!  She speaks pretty fluent french, that’s why she’s over there right now!  Teaching French folks English 🙂  And she’s pretty darn good at it too!

She and her hubby Michael are still newlyweds.  They graciously let us crash at their place for a few days.  Thank you guys so much we had so much fun and hopefully we can come back and visit!!!

(Michael in the back photo bombing our picture 😉
The River – Katy and Michael live on the other side there….

A Paris Starbucks

We threw our bags down at their house then we left to get a bite to eat.  We had sandwiches and  pastries, along with the first of many cafe creme.

COFFEE!  I think the French drink more coffee than me!

Terence and I in front of Notre Dame

Notre Dame was just beautiful!
FYI- There were no hunchbacks anywhere in sight….
 We also went to the grocery store (Monoprix?) where I found my LOVE=Kinder eggs!!!
I have already eaten all my eggs 🙁  I would give my right arm for another Kinder egg right now!
 More to come tomorrow…..
“Ooh La La”

What are you wearing this spring?

Some things I am loving for spring….
Polka Dots
Shirt is from FastiontoFigure

These leopard slippers are super comfortable and easy to wear anywhere.  They fold up and fit into a tiny bag that can easily fit in your purse.  They are from a company called Red Foot Shoes.

I’m also LOVING my new bag I got in Paris.  It’s a LongChamp large tote.  I saw these everywhere on the streets and finally I had to ask what they were.  Katy (Terence’s cuz) told me and I went and got one 🙂  I am really liking it because it’s super light and doesn’t drag on my shoulder like my heavy leather purses.  It doesn’t have any compartments in it though.  That’s okay with me because I usually just dump everything in my purse anyway! 

What will you be wearing this year?
What are your spring trends?

Go visit the Main Post on & join you in the comments

AND- Don’t forget to enter the current Life Well Lived Sweepstakes

England: Part Three


Here are the last pictures of England.  I have to say England was a very nice place, it was a lot easier there because there was no language barrier.  Everything looks old and historical, a lot older than anything we have here in the US.  I kept thinking Harry Potter or something….I don’t know why?  But it did sort of remind me of the setting of Harry Potter is some spots! Ha ha!

Someone commented on travel suggestions and traveling on a budget.  BTW- Thank you all for your sweet comments on all the photos and our travel adventures!  I have the best blog friends and I feel like I “know” you all….does that make me sound crazy? 

Well, I don’t really have many suggestions.  We did our trip on a tight budget.  Our airfare was free because we used miles and we pay our bills that way.  We never carry a balance over.  We had free places to stay in England and Paris because Terence has cousins that live in both places right now.  We were very fortunate in that regard.  So all we really paid for on this trip was food and spending money. 

It was go go go from the time we landed.  We tried to fit in as much as possible in a short about of time.  I would suggest getting public transportation tickets for the entire week and buying in advance because it’s cheaper and will save you money.  You can ride the bus or train and it’s much cheaper than taking a taxi. 

Also- Don’t eat meals by major tourist areas and landmarks.  The food is higher because they know it’s where tourists are and they get hungry.  Find places to eat off the grid and enjoy!

Okay now for part three of our adventures 🙂

Standing guard

Tower Bridge
Tower of London
 Henry the 8th’s armour
 Me and a nice guard 🙂

 Now that is a cross bow!

 This is where they brought all the prisoners in by boat from the river….

 Off with your head!
We then headed to Brighton.  This was probably my favorite place to visit.  It’s right by the shore and it was such a cute little town.  It’s also where Adelle just bought a new home…but she was nowhere in sight.  Waaaahhh!

This home was built for entertainment purposes and the royals would come here on the weekends and party.  It was very oriental inside with lots of dragons.

At Brighton Pier
 Cupcake place we visited
 Sweet Ethan
 The dining room in the palace
 Entry way
 The kitchen
(Terence listening to his audio guide!)
 On the pier!

 Loved this store front with all the vintage sewing machines
 Terence and his cousin 
We had a blast England thanks for a good time Adrianne, Graham, & Ethan we hope to come back soon!




Dr. Smith’s Review + Giveaway with $50 Amazon Gift Card!

I want to tell you all about a product that has changed our life.  Well, it has made for very happy hineys in our house 🙂  It’s called Dr. Smith’s diaper cream.  Connor was having really bad diaper rash a while back and I actually turned to Twitter to ask friends what they used on their babies.  I got several responses that said “Oh you must try Dr. Smith’s it’s the best!”  So that very day I ordered some Dr. Smith’s diaper cream and anxiously awaited for it to arrive. 
I got the cream a couple days later and used it right away.  The very next day I noticed a significant improvement in Connor’s diaper rash.  It was amazing!!!  I continued to use it daily until the rash was completely gone.  I still use it today and Connor rarely has diaper rash problems anymore.  I don’t have to listen to him yell and scream when I try to wipe his tooshie.  It’s been a blessing to our family and I hope it will be to yours as well! 
I love this product and I would really love for one of YOU to
win a gift basket full of Dr. Smith’s goodies,
including a $50 gift card!
Enter to win a $50 Amazon gift card as well as a deluxe gift basket full of Dr. Smith’s goodies. 
Also- 2 runners up will receive sample packages of Dr. Smith’s.
Use the Rafflecopter widget below and follow instructions to enter :

a Rafflecopter giveaway

FYI:  Email addresses must be included in comments so that we can follow up and arrange for prizes to be shipped.
Contest Ends: Friday, March 16th 2012
We have happy hineys and hope you do too!!!