Working Moms Connect

Today is Working Moms Connect on Kellys Korner Blog.

I really like to meet and connect with other Moms who work outside the home.  Sometimes I feel like I am the only working Mama on the planet and everyone else has the luxury of staying at home. 

I know that’s not true though! 

Everyone does the best they can for their families and I’m doing what is best for mine.

I love my job and the Lord has blessed me with a job I really enjoy going to each day.  I have made lots of friends and I like having the social interaction.  I work 8-5 at a bank and I’ve been here for about 4 1/2 years now.  I love it!

The best part is the end of each day.  I look forward to picking up my boy and seeing his smiley face when he sees me walk through the door.  “Mama Mama!!!”

We also are blessed that my mother/father/sister in law watch Connor each day and it’s family.  I know he’s building great relationships with family members and he loves spending each day with his BFF Ellie (my niece). 

DFW traffic is awful.  I have to say it’s something I dread  But again- it’s just something you get used to and it becomes day to day life.  Sometimes we have meltdowns in the car.  I do the best I can without my head popping off! Ha ha! 

I’ve found that the classical music station is very relaxing and also calms Connor down.

I also always carry cookies and crackers in the car so he has something to munch on.

As you all know if you read my blog…..I am a crack addict.  AKA=Starbucks addict.

I know this is a horrible, expensive habit.  But it gets me through my day and I adore the new Valentines day cups that just came out! Cute eh???

Mama needs coffee to function. DAILY. 

I’ve almost thought about changing my blog name to “Java Mama”


 My computer at work….a constant reminder of how my booger has grown.  I adore him.

God has blessed me in so many ways.  A question I often get : “Don’t you feel like you are missing out on things with Connor?”  I don’t feel like I am missing out, I feel like I treasure our time that much more.  I’m able to contribute to our family finances and I feel good about that.  We don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck and can take vacations and contribute to a savings account.  I know that what I am doing now will effect our future later on.  And Connor boy always knows I am his Mama and I love him no matter what!

Can’t wait to link up and meet all you other working Mamas!
If you live in DFW email me at
We are always looking for local friends to play with 🙂

Favorite Products of the Week


 Go link up HERE with your favorite products of the week!
One of my favorite things this week is this fun table runner I got from Zulily.  I’m addicted to Zulily like crack.  They have some great sales on there and their prices are amazing!  I actually got this to use for Connor’s 2nd birthday party, but it looks so bright and springy I went ahead and put it out.  I think it’s from Mud Pie.

 I was in a baking mood last night and wanted to use the new mini heart sprinkles I bought.

You can buy them at Bake it Pretty.
It’s one of my favorite sites for baking supplies.

 And lastly a picture of the munchkin….with his “What did I do?” face…..

The kid kills me.  He’s such a goof!

And he doesn’t want to wear shirts right now for some reason???


What are you loving this week?


Hair Tutorials?


Do you have a favorite blogger or YouTube channel for hair tutorials?

Right now I really like The Small Things Blog for hair tutorials. She has great hairstyles and tips.  Now if only she would come style my hair every day???

I also like Lauren Conrad’s site The Beauty Dept.  She has awesome tutorials as well!

Right now because it’s cold outside I’m liking hats as well.  I usually find them at end of season sales.  AND- they are great when you are having a bad hair day!

What is your hat style?  How do you wear your hair in winter weather?

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Share your Love Story

Read More Here:
1. How long have you and your significant other been together?
(College dorm days- I gave him that pillowcase for Valentines day! ha ha!)
We dated for 1 1/2 years and got married in August 2001

2. How did you meet? {What’s your “love” story?}

Terence and I actually met over the internet.  Well, actually my twin sister Bonnie was talking to a dorm mate of his online and we decided to meet up at Baskin Robbins that night.  My sister brought me along and Terence’s friend brought him along.  We barely spoke that first night. 

(My twinkie)

After weeks of talking, emailing, and phone calls I invited him over on Super Bowl Sunday to hang out with me and my Mom.  The rest is history….a few nights later we went on an official date to the Olive Garden & Chuck E Cheese 🙂

3. If married, how long have you been married?

10 years

4. If you are married, where did you get married at? Big or small wedding?

We had a pretty big wedding with over 300 people there.  It was in my hometown church in Conway, Arkansas.  We had a reception at the local college in one of the ballrooms.  We were only 20 when we got married so no crazy stuff!

5. Do you have any nick-names that you call one another? Do share!

Yes- I call him Ter-Bear.  A nickname I picked up from his younger sister. 

He doesn’t really have one for me?

6. Name 3 things you love most about your honey.

He’s loyal, smart, and handsome ……and a great Daddy 🙂

7. Tell us how he proposed?

Terence proposed at the Fort Worth Water Gardens.  He was on leave for the weekend from tech school in the Air Force.  It was a cold night in January we went out to dinner and he insisted we get out and walk through the water gardens.  It was COLD!  I remember he was shaking…not sure if it was because he was nervous or cold! Ha ha!

8. Is he a flowers and teddy bear kind of guy for v-day, or strawberries, champagne, and rose petals?

He usually gets me a box of Godiva chocolates and we may go out to dinner.  He’s not really a lovey dovey guy….so when he does do things like that it really surprises me because I am in SHOCK!

9. Are you a sunset dinner on the beach kind of girl, or pop a movie in and relax on the couch?

These days it’s pop a movie in and relax.  I know that every day life is not like a Kay’s Jewelry commercial…they make me gag! LOL!

10. Tell us one thing you’d like to do with your significant one day. If you could do anything? Go anywhere?

We are leaving for London/Paris soon and I’m beyond excited about that because I’ve never been!  We would both like to go to Ireland or Norway someday.  We are not really beach peeps.

And I want to take Connor to Disney someday!

11. Tell us what you plan on doing on this Valentine’s Day.

Watching Breaking Dawn and gorging on Godiva truffles on my sofa…..

12. Are you asking for anything this Valentine’s day?

Obviously….a copy of Breaking Dawn and Godiva truffles…hint hint….

13. Give us one piece of advice of keeping a relationship strong and full of love.

Don’t go to bed angry.  Kiss each other goodnight every night.  Pray together.  Don’t ever leave when you are in a fight…it only makes things worse.  Don’t try to rush something if your partner isn’t ready.  You have your whole lives together so take your time and enjoy each phase of your relationship….being a couple, buying a new home, having kids, traveling….take your time you will be able to do it all and of course there will never be enough money no matter how much you make so just get over it AND LIVE YOUR LIFE!

14. Show us a picture of what love means to you.

My lovies
Now go post your love story….I’m a sucker people I’m gonna read them all!!!
xoxo Becky

Funny Story…

Last night Connor boy and I were on our own. 
Terence had a work meeting about an hour away and didn’t get in until late. 
So I made Connor a grilled cheese and gave him a bath. 
My sister called while I was giving him a bath….meanwhile I handed Connor a purple fizzy tablet to turn his bath water purple.  Fun right? 
Wrong.  He stuck it in his mouth!  
Here I was just chatting it up and then turned around and he was spewing purple everywhere!  Of course I freaked and then dropped my BRAND.NEW.PHONE. in the bathtub. Waaaaaaah!!! 
I started drenching Connor in water and pouring it down his throat to try to get the bath tablet out.  I patted him on the back several times and he finally got it out and threw up a few times.  I think he’s fine now but it sure did scare me!
My phone sat in a bowl of rice last night and seems to be working fine today, but dang it can I not handle one night alone????
We had a good night after all that drama.
I threw the rest of these bad boys away.  I don’t blame him.  They look like candy don’t they?
 Terence brought me home a Godiva cheesecake and that made me feel better!
Guess what I had for breakfast???
 And this of course…..

 We were at Buy Buy Baby the other night and Connor just went bonkers over this truck….

Birthday present perhaps???

Also Kristin has this adorable bunny shirt in 18 months for sale:


$20 (will include name on shirt)




She will ship for free!!!




If you are interested in one and let her know you came from my blog 🙂

Have a lovely day sweets!


Super Bowl 2012

Last night my friend Kindra and her fiance Clint came over to watch the Super Bowl.  Kindra and I are always trying to get our guys to do stuff 😛  We also work together, but don’t get much time to have fun and chit chat at work so it’s nice to get together on the weekends and hang out 🙂
So here is our Super Bowl re-cap:

We decided to make dips for our little get together.  Kindra made dill dip.  I made some cheese/bean dip and a red velvet cheese ball.  OMG the red velvet cheese ball was so good and SO easy to make! 

Recipe is HERE

I thought there were a few good commercials.  I liked the car commercial with the hot woman in it and the nerdy guy. It was some foreign car commercial???  I also thought Madonna did pretty good.  I mean she’s in her 50’s people….I can’t even move like that!  I don’t really care for her, but whatever.

We also played around with my wide angle lens yesterday….it makes you look silly!!! LOL!

I love this kid with all my heart.  I can’t believe in less than a month he’ll be two!  Wahhhhhh!!!!

It’s back to work today and my eyeballs are about to fall out from staring at the computer….I’m going to have to start wearing my glasses more.