Pinterest Me Fall Edition & More

It’s FALL Ya’ll!
This is one of my favorite pictures of Bonnie and I of all time.
Halloween princesses 🙂
I ordered this Halloween sign from Zulily awhile back.
I love it!  However, my hubs thinks it’s a bit too much for our front door.
If you love it and want it (and live in the DFW area locally) I’ll sell it to you for $15.
It really is cute and it’s HUGE!
I added the rod and ribbon to the sign myself.
Just email me at

I ordered the Halloween cards at CVS a couple weeks ago and mailed them out.  They turned out really cute & were only $8 bucks!

Some favorite fall pins on Pinterest lately :

Source: via Becky on Pinterest

Source: via Becky on Pinterest

Source: via Becky on Pinterest

I really am feeling crafty lately and Pinterest is not helping!  I want to learn how to sew SO bad!  I have thought about taking the classes at JoAnn’s.  Has anyone done that before?

Hope yall have a lovely fall weekend!

Random Thoughts Thursday

Did I mention I dyed my hair dark for fall?
This is a crappy picture…but here it is!
 My booger before work this morning
Gosh, it’s been so hard to leave him every day.  Connor has been EXTRA clingy lately & doesn’t want me to go.  He just cries and cries…it hurts my heart….I just try to run out as fast as I can & not think about it : /
I drove past In N Out Burger yesterday and saw this….
I guess this is how we do it in Texas?
 I love this picture of Connor
He got caught with scissors & his expression was priceless.
His little Frankenstein outfit is from Been There Done That.  A friend from AR started a boutique and has the cutest clothing on there at great prices!  Go like her page and tell her I sent ya!

 And for yet another year our neighbors have totally outdone themselves with the Halloween decor….

Whelp…I have got LOTS of work to get done!
Have a great day ya’ll!


Dear Connor,
You are growing up so quickly right before our eyes.  It’s a good thing your Momma is a maniac crazy picture taker 😉  I am obsessed with photos…but I am glad I have them to look back on.  Life has gotten a lot easier than it was this time last year.  Last fall Daddy and I were so sleep deprived because you were still trying to get the hang of things.  Now is a different story….you are getting into EVERYTHING!

I’m looking forward to Christmas time with you this year.  It’s my favorite time of year!  I can’t wait to see the glimmer in your eyes when you open your presents, but I also want you to grow up and learn the true meaning of Christmas.  It truly is a joyous time of year!  You love to pray to Jesus.  It’s the sweetest thing.  When we eat dinner you grab for Daddy and my hands and we pray.  Before bed you put your hands together and we say your prayers as well…

You are definitely ALL BOY!  You’re usually covered in food, dirt, or wet from getting into the shower.  It definitely keeps Daddy and I on our toes!  You are obsessed with Elmo right now and it’s usually the first thing you want to do when you wake up in the morning.  I think I can sing most of the songs on “Elmo’s World” now….that is something I never thought I would say! Ha ha!

We love you.  You are our joy.  Our heart.  And right now that is all we need.  We don’t plan on having any more children….and that is a whole other topic within itself.  So, if anyone asks….NO we aren’t.  Yes, we realize Connor will probably be a bit spoiled, but this is the life we have chosen.  We are happy, content, and blessed. 

I honestly never thought I would be able to have a child.  And my heart is still aching for the loved ones in my life longing for this journey.  Once you find contentment in your path in life….it happens.  Crazy how things work out.  I was content with it just being Terence and I.  Once I found inner peace, we had Connor.  It was and is the greatest blessing I’ve ever experienced in my life. 

Life is short, time passes so quickly…..

I find myself reading blogs now and it seems like everyone I was pregnant with at the same time I was with Connor is now pregnant with #2.  I am SO happy for you all!  Please don’t judge me for my decision to not have more…..we do have our reasons. 

I do think….”Well, what would it be like to have a girl?” or “Will Connor be lonely?”


Those are just thoughts.  And it’s not something that has to happen or will happen…they are just thoughts. 

Parenting is the best, most wonderful, and challenging journey I’ve ever experienced.  I love my boy.  Thank you Lord for this life you have blessed us with & I pray you will continue to bless Connor’s life as he grows into a man of God. 
We love you my baby boo.
xoxo Mommy

How Do You Get Ready In a Flash?


It’s the end of your day and you’re rushing to get ready for an evening out. How do you create a nighttime look in just a few minutes?”

My Answer:

“A smokey eye”

See what a difference it makes and it only takes a minute or two!

  • Put the darkest shade on the corner crease of your lid
  • I use three colors: A dark, medium, and light shade
  • Then complete with creme eyeliner and mascara
Now go share your answers in the comment section of the Life Well Lived Blog Post and you can also enter the Life Well Lived Moments $250 sweepstakes  HERE
Good luck and Live Happy 🙂
Don’t forget to enter to win a $50 gift card to!
You have TWO chances HERE & HERE

Fall Weekend Fun!

This weekend Connor and I were supposed to go to the pumpkin patch.  Well….for various reasons and my lack of direction we didn’t make it 🙁  So Daddy took us to a pumpkin place across from the mall and we picked out a pumpkin there.  It’s sitting on the front porch and now it officially feels like fall!
 It’s getting harder and harder to get him to sit still for pictures!
 I love this boy!
We also went over to Kindra’s house for a BBQ and we had a great time!  She made some yummy food and we got to meet new folks and watch the football game.  Pecos is Kindra’s dog and her baby…..
Thanks Kindra and Clint for having us and our crazy kiddo!
Connor overdosed on candy corn and barfed on the floor….good times.  He’s also OBSESSED with Elmo and we can hardly pry him away from his Elmo DVDS…..sigh….
 Here are the cupcakes I made. 
I used the cupcake toppers I made, mentioned in the previous post.
We had a great weekend filled with fun, good weather, and friends!
We are blessed.


Yet ANOTHER Awesome Erin Condren deal over at Zulily today!
Get a $50 credit for $25!!!!

Love, Love, Love!!!!