Sick Baby

Connor has been running almost a 104 degree temp today and yesterday….I just gave him another bath so hopefully that will help.  Poor baby is miserable and has been crying his head off today.  Momma needs a break!  I stayed home with him from work because the doctor said he was contagious until his temp went down, so hopefully we can get it down because I don’t know if I can take this much longer 🙁

With daddy at the doctor’s office
I want my smiley boy back!
He sure has been cuddly today though…when he’s not crying that is….

Breaking Heart

Summer and Adam

My heart is breaking for you once more.  I don’t understand why things happen the way they do….all I know is God is in control.  We may not see the ultimate plan he has for our lives right now, but I know in the end things will be just as they should be.  Loving you, praying for you, and hurting with you…..

Love, Becky

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 

Proverbs 3:5

10 Months

Connor boy in a couple days you will be 10 months!  Oh how the time has flown!

It is such a joy to watch you learn and grow each day.  Right now you are getting into everything!  You love anything with lights and sound and you seem to get bored easily so we constantly entertain you.  You are a very curious little boy 🙂

Connor, you FINALLY got your first tooth in a couple weeks ago and have been eating new foods and chewing like a big boy ever since.  Feeding has become a lot easier and you seem to enjoy your food more.  Your favorites are cinnamon apples, bananas, spinach, and peas.


You don’t really watch much TV….I don’t think you have the attention span for it.  We’ve tried to sit you down a few times in front of a show and you get bored!  You are a mover and a shaker and would rather be playing with your toys 🙂


 Connor, you are our little cuddle bug.  One of our favorite things is when you wake up each morning and come lay with us in our bed.  We feed you your bottle and you like to play with Mommy and Daddy.  You love to clap your hands and can wave hi and bye bye.  You still say “Da Da” a lot and have started with B’s, but still no “Ma Ma”……

God has truly blessed us with your life and we love you so much sweet Connor.

Random Stuff on the Last Day of the Year

Happy New Years Eve ya’ll!
2010 was an amazing, wonderful, fabulous, and life changing year for us!  We bought a new home, had a new baby and lets just say we’ve been going not stop like the Energizer Bunny ever since!
I hope you all party like it’s 1999…oh wait it’s 2011 and I’m almost 30???
How did this happen???
…..oh well I hope you all have a great time whatever you do!
Ter-Bear and I are going to dinner and a movie courtesy of Aunt Loyce our fabulous babysitter for the evening!  I don’t think we’ve been on a date alone since…uhm..I can’t remember 😛
(Don’t you LOVE my fabulous Vegas beanie from sidder?)

I met up with Amber the other night at Red Lobster.  Amber brought me GODIVA! Holla!!!  She’s so sweet and we are quickly becoming great friends….I have so much fun with her.  Amber drags me out of the house even when I don’t feel like it and we always have a great time!  We are hanging out tomorrow and crafting….what are we crafting you ask?  I have no clue, but I DO know we shall have a good time and we probably will have Starbucks…wink…wink…

Connor in his Red Lobster bib
Some family photos from Arkansas with my precious family 🙂

Connor boy and his mini Starbucks cup….he’s a feller after my own heart and it was the perfect size too!

(FYI the cup is empty…I don’t hype him up on caffeine!)
Pretty Christmas light in downtown Fort Worth
Always a favorite read…an issue of “Mugly
A co-worker brought this in the other day and it was hilarious…crazy people!!!
My favorite mug was Alonda….I mean come on folks…I would never pay for this???
I may pay her to stay away from me….but Alonda definitely needs prayer….
I’ve been doing some MAJOR shopping damage on Hautelook.  They have the best sales and this is not good for me!  I will show you all my goodies when I get them in the mail ya’ll! 🙂  Other than that I all is well and now I must go get ready for my date night…………