Candid Christmas Recap

Most of the time I don’t carry my big honking camera with me everywhere I go.  I am loving my new phone camera, so a lot of the pictures I took over Christmas were with my phone.  I wanted to post these on the blog so I can cherish them forever 🙂

Candid Christmas recap:

Starbucks with my twinkie:

 Road trippin like a champ:

 Meeting one of my favorite blog friends for coffee:

 My kid running around the Buck like a mad man… :

 Eating the BEST Christmas cookies EVER! :

 Christmas get together with the besties:

 Christmas family self photo :

 Playing with cousin Jarrett and getting into mischief:

 Seeing lots of cows on the farm and learning to “mooooo” :

 Winning a beautiful Marley Lilly‘ scarf for twittering 🙂 :

I love these colors!
I’ve been sick as a dog today and my fever has gone up and down.  I’ve got chills then the sweats over and over again!  It’s awful 🙁  Pray we all get to feeling better for the new year….I HATE HATE HATE being sick! Ugh! blech! 

Christmas on the Farm

We had a great Christmas on the farm with Nannie, Nana, Poppy, Aunt Bonnie, Jarrett, Aunt Karli, and Lindsey.  It was so nice to be home and the farm is always so peaceful and a great place to eat and then go take a long nap!  No city noise out there for sure! 

The boys got spoiled rotten by their grandparents and had the best time playing with each other.  I’ll definitely remember this Christmas fondly and I’m so glad we all got to be together as a family.

I hope you all had a Merry Christmas too and may the good Lord bless you all in 2012!!!

The beautiful scenery
Putting together lots of toys and playing
The Farm
We decorated Papa’s grave for Christmas
Oh how we miss you Papa……
Terence read us all the Christmas story from the Bible
Cars! Cars! And MORE Cars!

Watching A Christmas Story and playing….the year went by too fast.  I want Connor to grow up and have the best childhood I can possibly provide for him.  He’s my lovey.  Terence and Connor are the best things in my life and I thank God every day for the gifts they are to me.  I love you with all my heart!  Here is to many more great memories over the next year!

xoxo Becky

Christmas 2011- Part One Jarrett’s 2nd Birthday

Terence and I started off Christmas vacation with a bang!  As soon as I got off of work we drove straight through the night to Arkansas.  On Wednesday we celebrated Jarrett’s 2nd birthday.  It was so nice to see my sister and Jarrett.  I hadn’t seen them both since LAST Christmas….I know major sads 🙁

Bonnie had a monster party for little J and all of his friends and our friends came by to celebrate with us.  I’m so glad we all got to get together, we don’t do it often enough and it sure was nice to see the friends we grew up with….and all their kiddos too! 

Below are some pictures of the party and please continue to keep Bonnie and Jarrett in your prayers as they adjust to their new life there in Arkansas 🙂

Our sweet friends we grew up with
(Apparently I didn’t get the arm pose memo?)

All the gals and their babies
More Christmas fun to come……

We Made it HOME!

We had the BEST Christmas!
It had been a year since we’d seen Bonnie and Jarrett so it was extra special 🙂
I’m trying to recover right now and unpack all our things.  It’s back to the daily grind tomorrow. 
We had a rough trip home to say the least.  Connor has a croupy cough and then he threw up his lunch in the car.  (Of course I was the lucky one to clean that up!)

I was about to jump out the window….there’s only so much my nerves can take!  Poor baby got a bath when we got home and lots of sugars and now he is sleeping soundly for the moment. 

Lots of recaps of our Christmas vacay to come…..
xoxo Becky

Best Friends

We are having the best time visiting in Arkansas! 

Tonight was Jarrett’s 2nd birthday party and so many of our best friends from highschool were there….with all their kids too! I love you all and it was so wonderful to see you and your babies!

Christmas Celebrations Begin!

Last night we had dinner over at Aunt Loyce and Uncle Garry’s house.  They were so sweet to have all of us over.  We had a blast and it was a great way to kick off Christmas week!

After all the festivities are over I have gotsta get back on my diet….ugh….that is all.

Someone getting into the tree…..

If you want to see a frazzled fro headed Momma look below.  I just got off work and then drove home like a mad woman in the rain.  I had no idea my hair was looking so bad???  Terence doesn’t tell me these things!!!!  (Just keeping it real)

The fireplace with all the fur babies stockings

Terence’s Family…well some of them
We must not forget the chocolate fondue!
Enjoy the week with your loved ones!
Enjoy the moments and hug them tight!