Gobble Palooza

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  “Gobble Gobble!!!”
I totally stole the title of this post from the Old Navy black Friday sales ad!  Ha..ha…  I am not going black Friday shopping in the morning because I have to work 🙁  Maybe it’s God’s way of telling me I don’t need to be out in that madness anyway!  I did see some great sales though that I might hit up after work if I am not too tired. 
We celebrated Thanksgiving this year with Terence’s family at his brother Paul’s house.  His wife Liz had her family over as well and we had lots of conversation and babies running about.  We woke up to chilly 40 degree weather this morning after the 80 degree high yesterday….this is CRAZY weather folks! 
Connor graciously let T and I sleep in until 8 am this morning…and for that I am THANKFUL!!! 
I am so thankful for this child that fills my heart.  I prayed for his life for so long and I am so thankful for my Connor boy.  I am praying for all of you out there still longing for motherhood every day.
Reading books with Grana
Playing with Uncle Paul
Dog pile on all my cousins
The fooooooooood
Paul, Kevin, Kim & baby Alicia in Jan 11

Getting the buttons off Granddaddy’s shirt
Cousin Thomas LOVES to give hugs!

We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!
I’m so thankful for wonderful family and friends and the fabulous friends I’ve made through blogging!
Much love, Becky,Terence, & Connor

Visit with Family

This past weekend my Mom, Dad, and Nannie all came to visit us for early Thanksgiving fun!  We woke up early on Saturday morning and went to Chick-fil-a for breakfast then headed to the mall to do some Christmas shopping.  We shopped until we dropped then went home to relax a bit before heading back out for dinner.  Saturday night we had dinner at the Olive Garden….oh how I love their alfredo sauce!  Terence and I kept the 2 year old kids in the nursery at church again….that age group is WILD!!!  After church we enjoyed brunch at Colonial Country Club with Terence’s Granddaddy & Nell.  The food was SO good!   

Nannie brought me some farm grown tomatoes she saved for me.  They were delicious!  We had a great time relaxing, watching movies, eating chocolate gravy and chicken and dumplings, and I even got a couple of naps in too 🙂
I am so thankful for my family on BOTH sides and we are so blessed to have them!
Connor got lots of loving all weekend!
Fun with Poppy & Nana at Olive Garden
Sound asleep on Nannie 🙂
Lots of story time and playing!
We had a great time thanks for coming to see us!!!

Connor’s "official" Santa visit

While my parents and grandma were in town we took Connor to see Santa at the mall.  I bought this package at a discount through Groupon before I knew we would already see Santa a couple weeks ago in the store.  The Santa was wearing a LOT of makeup!!! ha..ha…  Connor didn’t seem to mind he was just wide eyed and taking it all in as usual!  I have a feeling this child is going to ask a LOT of questions when he gets older like his Daddy! 

Mom said he sort of looks like Ralphie on “A Christmas Story” in this photo 🙂
I’ll post more about my weekend with family tomorrow it’s been a super busy week!

Ugly Christmas Sweater Guy

Meet “Ugly Christmas Sweater Guy”
I was searching on EBay the other day for an ugly Christmas sweater.  I love ugly Christmas sweater parties and we are going to all wear ugly Christmas sweaters to work in the month of December.  While searching I found this dude and he is HILARIOUS!!!  You need to go check out his EBay store HERE.
It will crack you up and you get a good laugh!  I can’t believe he actually sells these things! LOL!

Show us your life & I need your help!!!

Today is “Show us your life” day over at Kelly’s Korner.  It’s laundry room day and I have to say this room has gotten a LOT of use over the past year with a new baby!  Our laundry room is not too exciting, but I do love having a front load washer and dryer.  It works great and I would recommend it to family and friends.


 Lots of STAIN REMOVER for poopy diapers! LOL!
 trash and recycle bin
I am needing your help with our guest bedroom.  It is totally lacking in every way and I am not the best decorator at all!  I know a few weeks back Kelly had a “guest bedroom” tour, but honestly I was embarrassed to post ours because there is nothing in it!  So what would you do to decorate this room?  I want to keep the bedding and the picture on the wall….other than that I am up for anything.  ANY IDEAS WOULD BE SO APPRECIATED!!!


Also-bare entry way….what would you do to spruce this up?  Any decorators out there???
Please help this decorating impaired Momma!!! Waaaahhh!!!!
My family is on their way here from AR right now and I am so excited!!!! 
Hope you all have a great weekend lovelies :)

Stuff I want to share with YOU!

I am loving this casserole dish carrier from VONNY
Jonathan Adler laptop sleeve
Me & my sister in law Rebecca with baby Arielle

I wanted to share this baby food we found at Whole Foods.  Connor LOOOOOVES it!  He even eats the veggies without at problem.  It’s called Sprout and Tyler Florence from the Food Network is one of the creators.  I think even I would eat this baby food!

You all know my love of photography.  Connor is pretty much my “model” for most photo shoots….poor kid!  I don’t have another subject ya’ll!  Anyway….a really cool back drop for photos is to take some wrapping paper and lay it out or hang it on the wall.  It looks really cool and I took some Christmas paper last night and played around with it.  You can also place whatever you want on it…food…decor…it’s a cool background.

I’m also loving my new Starbucks holiday cold cup.  I wanted one last year but they sold in a day!  So excited to have one this year I LOVE IT!

Attempt at some Christmas pictures

Last weekend we met Terence’s sister and her baby girl Arielle in the park to attempt some Christmas pictures of the babies.  A lot of you have commented on the picture in my header and so I decided to post some of the pics we took.  Connor and Arielle see each other every day and are BFF!  They smile and giggle when they see each other it is so cute!  It’s definitely hard to get babies to look at the camera that is for sure…..so without further ado here are some of the pictures…..

 Daddy always knows how to make me smile!