Connor 6 Month Stats

Height is 28 inches (93%)
Weight is 17.4 pounds (50%)
Head is 18 inches (93%)

“My Mommy obviously likes to play dress up!”

“She has a thing for hats”
I’m a pretty good sport about wearing them too…
Bed Head

You are growing so fast Connor boy!
Oh how I love you so!

Poor baby had a 103.3 degree fever last night after getting his shots. He threw up pretty bad last night too πŸ™ Daddy is at home with him right now taking good care of him. I have the BEST Daddy ever!

We love you buddy!
Hope you all have a great weekend!

What a Day!

It has been QUITE a day in the Branch fam! Terence took Connor to his 6 month doctor appointment this morning and everything went well, but Terence called me at work and said they wanted to do some x-rays on his head. They were concerned about how his skull was growing together, so the Doctor just wanted to double check. It scared me to death so I left work and met Terence up at Cook Children’s. Connor did NOT like laying on that cold table, especially after just having five shots! I was so glad I was there to comfort him though. He’s been really snugly and clingy lately πŸ™‚ The hospital called before I even got back to work and said everything looked NORMAL!!! Praise the Lord! It’s just been a crazy day and poor thing is running a 101.7 degree fever tonight. So glad tomorrow is Friday!

Bottle always makes it better!
Waiting at the Doctor’s office

I love my Daddy!

Poor little guy had been crying non-stop!
You may have also heard about all the nasty weather DFW has been getting. We had some severe thunder storms and even some tornadoes yesterday! This is the scene on my way home yesterday…….
The whole street was flooded

Stuff from across the street

Did someone put a lake in the neighborhood while I was gone???

re-routing us all home πŸ™‚

It was all cleaned up by this morning and I was able to get home in the normal fashion today!
I guess when it rains it pours sometimes…..literally…..

Labor Day 2010

This past weekend our good friends Kristin & Nate came to visit us from Arkansas. They brought all three of their kids-Brayden (8), Abby (4), and Lane (2). It so much fun to catch up with them since we haven’t seen them in a long time! We appreciate them driving here to see us!
Saturday we woke up and ate breakfast at IHOP. Kristin and I had our favorite chocolate chip pancakes. Afterwards we headed to the mall and shopped a bit. That afternoon we drove to Fort Worth and rode the train outside the Zoo. It was a lot of fun and all the kids really liked it!

It was great weather this weekend πŸ™‚

Kristin and Lane

Brayden – he’s turning 8 next month!
I remember when this boy was born….I feel old!
Our “choo choo

Kristin with her kiddos

Terence and Connor in his TCU shirt
Go Frogs!!!
One place we had to go to is The Cheesecake Factory. We all gorged on food, including chocolate cake and Godiva cheesecake! Kristin and I LOVE our chocolate! We shopped around some more and let me just say that shopping for “jeggings” with someone who is a size zero is depressing! ha..ha..ha.. She looks great for having three kiddos though! I am not genetically inclined to EVER be a size zero or ever wear JEGGINGS!!!!

We also watched a movie called “Super Size Me” and it has totally ruined McDonald’s for me! I don’t think I will be going back there for awhile, even if they have re-done their menu since then! ewe! Don’t watch unless you want to be turned off of fast food!
I hope you all had a fabulous Labor Day and HELLO FALL!!!!!

6 Months

Connor boy you were 6 months this past Saturday! I can’t believe we have already had you in our lives for 1/2 a year! You are growing so fast and won’t sit still anymore. We find you every morning in your crib upside down and with no covers on. You are definitely a wiggle worm!

What you are doing right now :
  • You are still a big drooler
  • You love to suck on your toes
  • You still prefer breast milk
  • You love your fish tank on the side of your crib
  • You also love your jungle activity jumper
  • Size 3 diaper
  • You love tummy time and rolling on the floor
  • Bath time is your favorite πŸ™‚
  • You love to be held and you are very alert! You hardly take naps, but are sleeping through the night really well!
Your 6 month doctor visit is on Thursday so we’ll have your stats then

We tried baby food for the first time this weekend. We started with sweet potatoes and you made some pretty nasty faces! ha..ha.. You gagged a little bit and spit it up. We tried apples tonight and you seemed to like that better πŸ™‚ I think it will take some getting used to, but we will get the hang of it!

You are my silly boy! You make the cutest faces…you are such a blessing to your
Daddy & I and we couldn’t imagine life without you my little angel boy! We love you!!!

Fabulous Friday Updates

I promised Bon Bon that I would take a picture in the shirt she got me from

We don’t have those here and I love it! I think she said it was $12.95 or something???
I love cute cheap clothing πŸ™‚
Of course Mr. Connor wanted to be in the photo with Momma…never mind the spit bubbles!

Here is an update of our photo wall. We ordered our pictures all in black and white from I love that site and they have the best photo/paper quality for your pictures. They ship within a day or two and also have cool paper options for your photos.
We are having some of our good friends from AR over this weekend. I am so excited! I know it will be a busy fun filled three day weekend and I am sooooo looking forward to it! I hope you all have a great weekend too! XoXo – Becky

Fall Classics Wishlist

I’m so ready for fall right now. I love wearing a nice soft cozy sweater and a great pair of jeans with boots. I am definitely a cooler weather gal! Below are some of my fall wishlist items. What’s on your wish list for fall???
Joe’s Jeans Provocateur