It Ain’t Glamorous

This is what a night of little sleep looks like. If I get a shower today I’ll be happy 🙂
Connor will be a month old tomorrow and time has just flown. I go back to work in a month and I’m sure it will be hard. He’s started to smile a little bit this week and it’s so cute! The last couple of nights have been rough because little mister has been crying and throwing fits. I think he’s just hungry so we’ve upped his milk again. I don’t know what the normal amount you are supposed to feed them at this age is? I guess just until they are full….

Pumping is going well and I’m able to keep up with what he needs! Thank you Lord! I’m already looking forward to the end of May when my ENTIRE family is coming to visit! Bonnie, Jason, Jarrett, Mom, Dad, Nannie, A. Karli, U. Gary, & Lindsey!!! Yeah! We will get to see each other’s babies FINALLY and celebrate our 29th birthday together!

Terence and I have been watching Lost and finally caught up to the current season. That show is CrAzY! I am sad that Locke turned into a bad person! 🙁 I can’t wait to see how it all turns out!

Connor picture of the day
(For Nana)

Sunny Saturday

It was WINDY today! 
We ventured out to Super Target and only had one melt down in the store…but we needed food!
 And we got a better picture with Mr. Sock Monkey 🙂
 Just a swingin & watching Daddy pick weeds out of the yard!


Connor got a sock monkey in the mail yesterday from my friend Suzie at work. We LOVE it! Well, we love it but he wasn’t in the mood to model yesterday 😛 We had to take a picture for Auntie Bonnie and Jarrett because they love sock monkeys!

We went out yesterday and I took Connor to the bank and let all the gals see him. He got lots of attention and loving. Afterwards we went to Terence’s parent’s house and the above video is his twinkie cousin Arielle (born the day before him) and Connor getting burped. It’s so funny I was joking it was the baby burping Olympics!

My friend Travis just started a blog HERE to help raise awareness and money for Crohn’s disease…something that has effected him personally. If you all feel compelled to help him meet his goal he would appreciate it very much! Good luck Travis!!!

Wonderful Weekend

We had the BEST weekend! My Mom and Dad came from Arkansas to visit us and we had a great time. I wish they could stay longer…actually I WISH they lived right across the street! In a perfect world I guess. My Mom got up with Connor all weekend and I was able to get some good sleep, it’s amazing what a good night’s sleep will do for you! I feel so much better starting off this week. They left to go home this morning and I was so sad to see them go 🙁

Connor and Nana
Connor and Poppy
Poppy’s birthday was on Sunday…he shall remain ageless….

Nana and Poppy brought Connor Easter basket goodies & some stuff for Mommy too 🙂

Our good friends Adam and Christa came by to see Connor too!
I think they need a baby…ha..ha..


Me and Connor in our new rocking chair from Nana and Nannie

Dad got a birthday pie from Braum’s-his FAVORITE ice cream!

Connor always has his hands on his chest and he’s always SO hungry! When I feed him he just clinches his fists so tight like he’s never going to eat again…ha..ha..!!!