A Christmas Prayer

I know a lot of you fellow bloggers know my precious friend Summer. She is the sweetest, most whole hearted, wonderful person. She just finished her third IVF treatment and her little birdies are in Heaven now with Jesus. My heart just aches for her…..

You see – Summer, Bonnie, and I connected probably a little over a year ago as we were all trying to get pregnant and had very little success. We bonded like sisters and started talking every day on Gmail. We just had this instant friendship and still do, she has been such a blessing to me and Bon and I just can’t stand it that we are having babies without our TRIPLET!

Summer got pregnant first, and we were so thrilled! Then for some reason God decided to call that little one home and Summer lost her tube. Fast forward a year later and lots of medicine and shots and soul searching and all of that….Summer is still without her baby Brown. Sometimes we may not know why God works in the way he does…but I know there is a reason for everything. One thing I know with all my heart is Summer and Adam were meant to be parents to a child on this earth and they will be soon….I love you both and never give up hope!

Thinking of you always and praying for your baby blessing…love, Becky

This week has been a rough week, a lot of things have been going on and a lot of craziness is in the air it seems. I have hardly had any time to piddle and look at blogs 🙁

It’s harder to get to sleep at night now, not that I am complaining because I am not! I am thankful for this uncomfortable-ness! I had the glucose test at the Dr. office this morning and I passed. That sugar concoction sure did make my tummy sick though!

I don’t want this blog to turn into baby mania and plaster my child’s face to every post, because so many people I have met through blogging were because of their struggle to have a baby and I know that feeling oh so well. Of course there will be times I will post about Connor and there will be pictures, but my goal is to remain true to myself and still talk about my life as well and everything else in it.

Speaking of….

You know my love of owls! Here is my Christmas paper all under the tree in true “owl” style!

Hootie hoo! Hootie hoo! Cuteness alert!

Tis the season for Giveaways!

Kim is having an awesome jewelry giveaway & you can go

check out her Etsy store here

Also-don’t forget to enter my GIVEAWAY in the post below!

(I know everyone loves FREE stuff!)

Giveaway and the Sephora Chick

While Terence and I were out Christmas shopping this past weekend I went into Sephora and was looking around. One of the sales ladies came up to me and we had a conversation that went something like this….

Sephora Girl: “Can I help you find anything?”
Me: “I’m just looking”
Sephora Girl: “This may sound weird, but can I ask you something?”
Me: “sure”
Sephora Girl: “How did you know that you were pregnant?”
Me: “I took a pregnancy test!”
Sephora Girl: “Yeah, but did you feel wierd or anything?”
Me: “Well, yeah I guess so I felt sort of dizzy sometimes and tired”
Sephora Girl: “I’ve been DIZZY!” “What do you think I should do?”
Me: “I’d probably go home and take a TEST and call your doctor!”
Sephora Girl: “Yeah I’m just nervous because I haven’t started my period”
Me: “Yeah I would take a test…..”
Sephora Girl: “I think I’ll do that later….yeah….”
Me: (OMG-Did I just have that converstation?) Because apparantly being pregnant makes me the closest thing to a medical doctor 😛 LOL! The whole thing just cracked me up, I would never just go up to someone and ask stuff like that!

Terence said I should have just asked if she was sexually active and that
would have solved that issue! LOL! Crazy people ya’ll….crazy people!!!

I am giving away 1 full bottle of Murad Oil-Control Mattifier SPF 15.
Apparently this is good stuff because the website was sold out for awhile.
Contest ends Friday, Dec. 18th

Weekend Re-cap

It seems like we have been going, going, going all weekend long! Saturday we got up early to start doing some Christmas shopping because we celebrate with T’s family next weekend. Today we had the Christmas music special at church and I think Connor really liked it because when the orchestra played he just started kicking and kicking! I am still working on getting the house all ready because my Mom and Dad are going to come and visit in a few weeks! Yippee!! I am so excited for them to come…FINALLY! I don’t think they have come to visit since we moved to Texas, but we didn’t exactly have a place for them to stay either. We got a king size bed for our bedroom and are putting our queen bed in the guest room. It’s nice to have a BIG bed, especially since I am getting bigger too!

These are the euro shams for the guest bedroom (Mom & Dad’s room)
I really liked this pattern. I’ll take a picture when it’s all finished.

I also wanted to say a special THANK YOU to a new friend named Lisa. (I think her blog may be private) Lisa is all the way from Australia and she sent me the CUTEST baby clothes! She has a little boy named Ayden, and her blog is about his journey to get a new ear. She is a wonderful mother to three children and it’s been a blessing getting to know her. Lisa, this is so sweet and I can’t wait for Connor to wear all the precious outfits!


December Happenings

Every year Terence’s Aunties put on a charity event called “Celebrity Cutting“. It is a lot of fun to attend and you get to see lots of neat people riding some horses! I never knew what cutting a horse was until we started going to this, to me it’s like playing chicken between a horse and a cow….see which one gives up first! You have to make sure the cow doesn’t join the rest of the heard and your job is to steer it away from the rest of the cattle with your horse.

Here is Aunt Beverly & Aunt Lyn in all their cowgirl glory
This is Liz and Paul (T’s brother) with Kristy Lee Cook
She was on American Idol a few seasons back and now she’s a country singer
Terence’s lovely parents 🙂
Me & Terence (I was tired…long day!)

Terence & his Aunt Loyce

Liz & Paul

Okay onto other miscellaneous and non-important stuff….
We made our first fire in the house Thursday night! I love the smell of fireplaces…mmmmm
Does that make me weird? It snowed one morning last week and it was so pretty! I need to be spanked because I didn’t get a picture and it is very RARE it Texas for snow. I made some BLT’s for dinner and we just sat down in front of the fire and watched TV-good times!
Gulp! Baby Connor likey bacon!

And YES-I am going to hang that clock somewhere in the house, I just don’t know where…so for right now it rests on the mantle until I find a picture I like or something. Also want to find some floral something or other for those blue vases….it’s a work in progress!

Okay now I’m going to get Ter-bear out of the bed so we can do some Christmas shopping! We celebrate Christmas next weekend with his family and we haven’t got a darn thing yet!
Happy Weekend Everyone!

Zeeee Starbucks Winner Is….

Before I announce the winner you know I had to show you pictures right?
We took our sweet lil‘ cousin Lindsey to Starbucks again…I mean we just have to show her the way 🙂
Last time we took Lindsey to Starbucks we ordered her a vanilla bean drink (which has no coffee in it) and she didn’t like that….so this time she wanted COFFEE! Lindsey Sue ordered a mocha frappucinno and she liked it…oh boy! It must run in the blood….ha..ha…

Okay now onto the results

I had Terence draw the winner out of a big ole bowl

because I knew he would pick a good un!

And the winner is……
Email me @ beckylbranch@gmail.com

Getcha some!

Terence’s Aunt started a company called Dromeo several years ago. It is an analgesic lotion that helps with things like arthritis, stiff joints, muscle and back pain.
I have used it so many times for back pain, especially since being pregnant and having trouble with my sciatic nerve. It is almost like a heating pad, but it lasts longer and sooths your muscles for hours. I LOVE IT and so does everyone I let try it!
If you have any sort of muscle pain you won’t regret trying this and you’ll wonder how you went without it! This week only they are having 50% OFF Dromeo analgesic lotion. That is an amazing deal and I encourage you to try it because you won’t be sorry!
Find out more
(If you do try it let me know what you thought!)

Becky & Bonnie’s Super Fabulous Baby Shower!

We had the BEST baby shower ever! My Mom worked so hard and so did our family and friends. Baby Connor and baby Jarrett got so many goodies and these boys are already so spoiled! Here is a little picture preview of how the day went….

Look at all that LOOT! I’ve gotta get it all sorted now and
put away…still have to order baby furniture though

Here is the stroller/carseat system we got and the pack and play

The night before the shower…everyone blow up a balloon!

Go for it Grandpa!

Nannie was the official balloon holder

The cake was chocolate (of course) with chocolate ganache frosting

Me and Bon with one of our best friends Kristin

Looks like a mirror image-we got a lot of the same outfits for the boys, but that is okay…we don’t live in the same states or anything and we sort of like to dress alike!

They got they cutest little froggy towels with their names on them

The diaper bags-Thanks Mom!

Kristin got us each a Little Giraffe blanket-SO SOFT!

Baby Bibles with their names on it

Bonnie’s cute nephew!

Me and Bon with Rachie!

Friends from highschool 🙂


The Fam

My Dad did this billboard at church-so sweet!
Dad also made a CD of a song he sang with his friend playing (Dad likes bluegrass)
for the babies to listen to…it is the sweetest song! I

I guess that is all for tonight folks!
Thank you for all your prayers-I’ve looked forward to this day for so long and dreamed about
having a baby for what seems like forever, and it’s finally here! I just feel overwhelmed with love and blessings and I am so THANKFUL this holiday season!