No pictures :(

No pictures at today’s appointment! I was so upset..I wanted to see the baby! We did hear the heartbeat and it was strong. I thought since Bon has had pictures with all her baby visits I would too…I guess each doctor is different. So I won’t get any pictures until 19 weeks when I go find out what I am having. Way to make a person wait huh? I go back in four weeks for the genetic testing and pray that all is well! Praise God for this baby 🙂

Sickness…tiredness..and makes it all worth it in the end….

Weekend with friends

We had a great visit with Kristin, Brayden, and Abby. We miss them so much! Terence and I just love those kids to death and wish we could see them all the time! Here are a few pictures of our weekend together…I am horrible….I didn’t get ANY of me and Kristin together! poo! Maybe next time…..

Abby digging into chocolate cake from The Cheesecake Factory
Brayden and Aunt Becky

Uncle Tewence

There’s Momma in the background! 🙂

Just a little update

Well, no I haven’t fallen off the blog planet…I know I have not visited many of your blogs and commented and please don’t think less of me. I am starting to feel a little bit better, but still continue to get sick a lot. My hormones are the worst-they have literally exploded all over my face this weekend..ha..ha..!!! Tomorrow I get to go for my 12 week ultrasound and hopefully will see something that resembles an actual baby! I am so excited! I always dreamed of getting pregnant and savoring this time….and everyone keeps telling me it will get better into the second trimester and I just pray and hope it does….because honestly it’s been tougher than I ever thought it would be so far emotionally, physically, and mentally. Next weekend we go house hunting and I am excited to try and find something so that my family can come stay with us after the baby is born. One of my best friends Kristin and two of her kids came to visit this weekend and stayed in a hotel, and I wish we had enough room for them at our place so they didn’t have to pay for a hotel, but soon hopefully we will have a room for lots of friends and family to come stay. It’s another 100 degree + day today…..grin and bare it!

Love yuns! Thank you for the prayers and love….Becky

Air Please

The air conditioning at work has been out since Tuesday and is still out! This is not good AT all!
And yes I did listen to Christmas music all the way to work this morning….don’t judge me…it makes me so happy 🙂


We decided to start looking for houses again…trying to find something a little closer to Fort Worth and not too far from Plano either. We shall see…I know the Lord will provide just the right place for us! I was craving some Outback ranch so we went there for lunch and basically drove around the rest of the day trying to scope out neighborhoods.
Sunday we went BACK to Fort Worth (see we are always there anyways!) and visited with Terence’s parents for a bit, saw our friends Adam and Christa….I want a snow cone, and then we had dinner with Terence’s Granddaddy. It was a busy weekend and I am happy to be relaxing at home now 🙂
How many of you own a home or rent? Which do you prefer? Do you think it’s worth it to buy, are you glad you bought a home as upposed to renting? It’s so nerve racking and such a big decision I would like to hear you feedback!
XOXO Becky

Anniversary night

It was hard to plan something in the middle of the week so Terence and I met up for dinner after work last night at Macs. It was very good! Terence had a steak of course and I had chicken fried chicken with gravy and a baked potato. We also split the five cheese macaroni and cheese. When it came to dessert we skipped it….now this would normally NEVER happen in my book, but because I am NOT craving sweets for some unknown crazy stinking reason right now we just didn’t do it.

Isn’t he so cute ya’ll? That’s why I married him 😛
Getting ready to chow

Macaroni and Cheese
(I did bring the GOOD camera with us and silly me I forgot the memory card inside it…so I had to resort to using my camera phone…bad quality…but at least I got something!)
And this bad boy is what I got from Terence for our anniversary, it’s a scanner, fax, copier all in one machine. I have been wanting one for awhile and since he works for HP now and gets a good discount then why not? I can’t wait until it gets in and I can play with it and scan all my old pictures on the computer finally!