28th Birthday

I woke up this morning and Ter-Bear cooked us breakfast….bacon, eggs, and fruit. We headed to Frisco to try out The Cupcakery. There is one in Vegas where Bonnie lives and they recently put one here in Texas too.
It was sooooo GOOD!

You see this Bon??? Everything is BETTER in Texas! ha..ha..

Yummy tiramisu from Maggiano’s Friday night…seriously the best tiramisu I’ve ever had!

Sweet gift from my co-workers…I love them!

I’ve been wanting new bedding for awhile and today we got new shams, quilt, and euro shams from Restoration Hardware. I love that place!

Also got two pillows for the sofa to break up all the BROWN

A soft furry throw for me because I am always cold and I live with Terence the “living furnace”

I had a wonderful birthday today! Thank you all for the sweet birthday wishes I feel so loved and blessed! I’m getting old ya’ll…30 is right around the corner!!!!

Thank you Family

Thank you for making my b-day extra special my dear family! As long as I am saying “thank you” I may as well lay it all out here on the blog! Mom, Dad, and Nannie – thank you for the money (very much appreciated b/c it’s expensive to move!) 😛

I miss the farm and spending every holiday there, shopping days with me, Mom, and Bon. Escorting my goofy Dad to his high school reunions and being his “arm candy”. Nannie spoiling us and feeding us fried taters until we can’t breath! Aunt Karli – the coolest Aunt in the world, and Lindsey the coolest cousin who just turned 13 a few days ago! Welcome to the teen years! Uncle Gary streaking through the living room in his XXXL undies he got in his stocking! LOL! This blog is for my family – to keep in touch because I miss you so much! You are loved beyond words and I miss you every day! I LOVE YOU!!! Today I got a sweet card from my Aunt Karli, Uncle Gary, & Lindsey
Thank you so much and I will sure enjoy the gift cards 🙂

Aunt Karla – A.K.A. the coolest Aunt in the world- has a “signature pose”

She puts her hand under her chin to hide her gobbler….as you can see I’ve collected quite the poses over the years of my dear Aunt Karli! LOL!

I love you!


Okay-I know I’ve done a lot of birthday posts this week. It’s mostly just for thank you shout outs because I feel so loved by all my precious friends. I don’t mean to brag or show off the presents, so I hope it doesn’t come across that way! I just get excited and like to share it with you all. I don’t know what Terence and I will do on Saturday ( my actual birthday by the way!) It’s sad because I am used to spending it with Bon Bon and for the past couple of years we haven’t been together on our birthday. 🙁

I hope it involves some kind of eating out (hint..hint….possibly Cheesecake Factory?) and there is something I’ve been wanting for a LOOOONG time, but I don’t mention it much. I’ve always wanted a Hobo International Lauren clutch. I’ve admired them for awhile and just can’t break down and buy myself one! These wallets are cute and the leather is so soft and smooth. There are also all these compartments for cards and things.

Do any of ya’ll have one of these and how do you like it? What is your favorite purse/wallet?

Thank you Summer :)

Have I mentioned how much I love birthdays??? My sweet friend Summer sent me a package today and I love everything she sent! She knows me well! Owl – note cards, stickers, gift tags, and stamp / a pendant that says “Keep calm and carry on” (I need to repeat that to myself daily because I have bad anxiety over everything!) / and some beautiful silver hoop earrings. Here I am wearing the earrings…I look like poop with no makeup on and I’m ready for bed, but I made Terence take a picture because I just love them 🙂 I’ll be wearing them tomorrow for shizzle! Thank you Summer for making this a very special birthday, I feel so blessed to have you as a friend….you are so precious to me.
Love, Becky

More weekend pictures

I love going home. Mom and Dad spoil me rotten then send me back! LOL! The weekend included going out to eat at PF Chang’s, seeing Terminator Salvation (I thought it was very good…I’m in love with the dude who plays Marcus now!), I got to see my Nannie for a couple hours and had lunch at Chili’s, breakfast at Cracker Barrel, helping Mom pick out flowers for her flower bed, and just sitting back relaxing and enjoying my time off with them. The drive isn’t too bad, now that we’ve moved to the northern part of Dallas it takes about an hour off of my usual drive home. Until next time – Love you Mom and Dad – Thanks for a wonderful visit!

My Daddy always cracks me up!


Mom and Dad bought me a TopsyTurvy. You hang in from your porch and it grows tomatoes out the bottom of the container. I hope it works! I’ll do updates on the TT and let ya’ll know if it grows anything, typically I don’t have a green thumb 😛 Anyone who knows me KNOWS how much I love home grown tomatoes!