Thank you Summer!

My sweet friend Summer…who I have talked about several times on here….sent me some lovelies! She sent me a coffee cup cozy (so cute!) and a Starbucks necklace!!! I have never seen one of these before and I just cracked up when I opened it! I LOVE IT ALL!!! Thank you Summer you are the best!

“Raise the roof” I love this necklace!!!

Crazy Saturday

It has been a loooong day! We woke up at 7 am this morning to head to Plano to look at places we may want to live. We looked at some apartments and some condos. We still can’t decide what we want to do. We aren’t too familiar with that area yet, so we don’t want to rush into buying something just because we are on a time crunch.

We did a lot of this…..


No thanks to Map quest…we got lost a LOT! At one point Terence stopped and pulled over to look at the map and a creepy man pulled up in front of us and came to our window. He was nice, a little shaggy looking…I just knew he was going to rob us or something, but he just tried to help and gave us some more directions. Whew! (I know there are still GOOD people out there!) I watch too much news and it scares me! I am going to need a GPS b/c I do not know the freeways around here yet…that has pretty much been decided!
Of course we had lots of Starbucks today 🙂
There were BEAUTIFUL blue bonnets on the side of the freeways so I made Ter-Bear stop so we could snap a few pictures…so pretty!

Terence didn’t want his pics in the blue bonnets…ugh!!! No cooperation there!
Well, I am dead as a dog and headed to bed! I hope to catch up on all my blog reading tomorrow….my blog has been acting weird so hopefully it will get fixed soon 🙁

Oh moving…let me count the ways!

It is inevitable though and it’s going to happen sooner or later. My Dad was in the Army growing up so we moved some as a kid, but not a whole lot. Bon and I were born in Germany, moved to Oklahoma for a few years, and then to Kansas, then in 1989 (much to my Mom’s delight!) we moved back home to Arkansas. We stayed with my Nannie and Papa….oh those days were nice and we were spoiled rotten! We loved staying with Nannie and Papa…only we had to fight Papa over the remote because we were Disney Channel addicts and he was a Western Channel guy himself. Oh we used to moan when Papa would watch those westerns…but what I wouldn’t give just to sit there and watch a western with him right now!

We then moved to Conway, AR and I stayed there until Terence and I got married and we moved to Little Rock Air Force Base in Jacksonville. We spent the next 5 years of marriage stationed there and it was great for us while we were newlyweds. Soon after Terence’s enlistment ended we intended to move into an apartment in Maumelle while he finished his undergrad. Well, the apartments were not ready so we moved in with MY Mom and Dad for a couple months! Then we moved into our apartment where we stayed for another two years. After that we decided to make the big move back to Terence’s homestead, Fort Worth, TX. A temporary living arrangement at his folks house became a permanent arrangement for almost the next two years….and here we are now…..ready to move yet AGAIN!

The good thing is all of our stuff has been in storage and is already packed and ready to go! The bad news is I have forgotten what is IN all those boxes and what goes with what. I’m sure I’ll re-discover old items I forgot I had or little sentimental things I thought weren’t worth unpacking. It will probably be fun!

I’m excited to move…very much!
Now where will we move in the next month or so????
I HAVE NO IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(And I hate not having an idea….just ask Terence…he can NEVER
surprise me…I always crack him and he knows it!)
Stay tuned….

(I know I’ve posted this picture before…but everytime we move I remember our

FIRST move together almost 8 years ago to start our married life together!)

I’m still trying to get over the “crud” !!! It’s terrible….I didn’t go into work today because I was feeling so bad. All I have done today is lay in bed and watch Lifetime Nora Robert’s specials.
I am feeling a little better though 🙂

Terence got a call from the people he interviewed with yesterday and they made him an offer!!! Yeah! This offer has to get approved and then he should get a real offer sometime soon.
The job is about an hour away from where we live now. I love my job and I refuse to move or transfer…so we’ll probably be looking for a place to live somewhere in the middle. If the offer goes through he will start next month and hopefully we’ll be able to move and get all our STUFF out of storage again! It’s amazing what you can live without when you don’t have it right there.

We are so grateful to Terence’s parent’s for allowing us to live here for almost TWO years! It has helped us out in more ways than you can imagine, but I am ready to settle down and get situated somewhere and hopefully start a family.

Thank you again for all your prayers…

New Monitor

I got this bad boy in today! Whoopee!!! It’s H-U-G-E! A new 24″ monitor…now I can look at two pages at once! I am so excited about it!

In other news….Terence’s job interview went REALLY WELL! Praise the Lord!!! Now is the waiting game and we’ll see what happens….thank you SO much for your prayers they mean so much you have no idea! I got some more Claritin today, that stuff is like $20 a package??? Geesh! Hopefully the drugs will kick in and the cloud over my head will lift sometime in the near future….

Night night lovelies!