I love you sister

My sister is always thinking of me and I love her and miss her so much! I think of her constantly too! She sent me a V-day card with Starbucks card last week and before that a package with a kitty (that looks like my old sweet cat Holly) and some “B” monogrammed towels, note cards, and some other misc. little goodies. We love to send things to each other it makes our day! THANK YOU SISTER!

I love Target because…

Look at all the cute Valentine themed “owl” stuff they have a Target right now. I was shopping there last night and I was so excited looking at it all! Maybe someone out there likes them besides me huh?

I loved this mug, but didn’t see it at my local Target, this is from the website.
Cute towl
paper plates
wash mit

I did buy this plate…I haven’t figured out what to do with it yet, but it was so cute for $3.00!

That’s Owl-ragious!

I know the title to this post is cheesy, but I couldn’t resist! I’ve written before about my love of owls. They are so cute 🙂 My sweet twin friend made me the cutest necklace with the owl from my blog! She and her twin sister make these beautiful sparkle pendant necklaces. I got mine in the mail today and I was so excited and it’s just beautiful…Thank you! Check her out at GLITTER & BLISS
I also stocked up on some owl wrapping paper that I fell in love with this past Christmas. I got it on clearance and I am so excited to have found it.
There are so many cute owl items on ETSY as well and I browse this site just about every day and never tire of looking at it. One of the things I found online (not from Etsy) that I LOVE is this owl key topper. Isn’t it cute???

Well-now you all know of my little collection obsession! I’ve been so out of the blogger loop and my DVR is backed up to the core…it’s amazing what being gone for a few days can do! A lot has been going on around here lately and there are going to be a lot of changes this next year…we will see how it goes!!!

Big Cedar weekend

We had a GREAT time in Big Cedar this past weekend! I am so behind on reading everyone’s blogs because I’ve been gone for four days. It was a fabulous and much needed getaway and it was so pretty up there with all the snow. I recommend it to anyone for a vacation! I will try to catch up on my blogging tomorrow…in the mean time enjoy the slide show 🙂

Much love,
