Connor’s Quilt

My mother-in-law has finished the middle of Connor’s quilt! As you can see it’s no longer a lambie theme….I went with OWLS of course! I think she is doing a FABULOUS job and I am so amazed at the work that has gone into everything and I just LOVE it all!

This is the bedskirt (I love those pom pom things!)
This is my Boppy I got at BTrendie (link on the sidebar)
I got the Boppy and the Boppy cover for $12.99!!!!
Good deal alert!

God’s Timing

As the date draws nearer for baby Connor’s arrival my mind is full of lots of things. Thoughts of his future and hopes and dreams for his life. I am excited and nervous all at the same time…am I prepared for this journey? I think back over the last 8 1/2 Terence and I have been married and I see how God has prepared us for this new adventure.

I cannot IMAGINE having this baby when we first started out as a married couple, but now I see that all those trials were to prepare us for our future. There were times when we only had $20 in our checking account and we had one car between us for a couple years while in the military. Those are the times that make or break you…and they make you stronger as a couple. You learn about each other in ways you never thought you would, some good traits and some bad. You live through those times and learn how to better yourself for each other and your child some day.

I never “imagined” myself as a mother or how it would be. Terence and I both had goals and ambitions for our lives individually and as a married couple. A child at the time would have only prolonged those goals or even prevented them from happening at all. I saw everyone around me starting to have babies….and my heart opened up to the idea a little bit year after year. When we finally started to try and have a baby it became difficult and some times very discouraging…I began to wonder if I was not cut out for this role. If something was wrong with me? Maybe Terence and I were never meant to be parents after all?

I look back now and think of all the times we had together just the two of us and those moments are so precious. All those years in the military, and school, and working so hard…how every event that has happened thus far was to prepare us for now. The good times and the bad times were all worth it to get to this point. All the waiting and the years of patience were worth every bit! I didn’t think like this then, but I do now. Everything I wanted to happen on my terms didn’t happen the way I ever thought (I am very impatient!)…and it’s a good thing! Life would have been SO much different on my terms, God has his own timing for you and his own plans for you. He knows what’s best and we don’t. God has PERFECT timing…so just when you think nothing is going your way and your plans will never be fulfilled, just remember to be patient and believe that God’s ultimate plan for you is waaaaay better than your own!
XOXO – Becky


You all must see this movie! It was so cute! We watched it over Christmas weekend with family and my Dad bought us a copy…within the first 15 minutes I was just bawling! The story is so great and I am not normally drawn to animated films, but this was so good! GO WATCH IT!

Christmas 2009

It’s been quite an eventful Christmas season so far! We went from thinking nobody was going to be here this Christmas from my side of the family…remember my Mom and Dad were supposed to come visit this weekend….then Bonnie had baby Jarrett all of a sudden….and then Dad decided to still drive to Texas to visit in a freak snow storm on Thursday night! We were able to Skype with Bonnie, my Mom, and Nannie last night and she put Jarrett in front of the computer. He is so precious and he’s our little Christmas baby πŸ™‚

It’s been great having Dad here so far and I’m so thankful he made it here okay. We spent yesterday at Terence’s parents house and had a wonderful time there as always! We are both so blessed to have such wonderful parents. Today we’ve been running around and Terence and I got a Costco card (for the mother load of diapers we will be buying this next year!)

Tonight we are going to another Christmas party and tomorrow my Mom and Nannie will fly into Dallas and are going to stay over night here. I’m so excited they will all be stopping by, even for just a little bit and it’s exciting to have our first house guests! I know it’s going to be hard for my Mom to leave Vegas and the baby behind. She will be doing this again in a couple of months though! ahh! She will have to rack up those frequent flying miles I guess! Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!

My Dad & Me
Joel & Rebecca (Terence’s sister)
She is pregnant with Arielle and due around the same day as me!
Twinkie cousins
Pregger sister in laws- 31 weeks

Terence’s Mom and Aunt Loyce

Grandma and Terence

Dad and I sitting our drinks on our “tables”
handy huh???


Terence’s Dad

Ready to be DONE!!!! Connor has been having a little party every night before I go to bed! LOL!

He is really excited and wants to meet his cousin πŸ™‚

More pictures of the angel :)

Here are a couple more pictures of Jarrett. Bonnie is doing well, just trying to recover from her c-section. My Mom and Nannie made it to Las Vegas last night and are with her and Jason. She is so happy and excited! Thank you for all your prayers!

I had a Dr. appt this morning and everything is going good. I may have to have a c-section too b/c my Dr. said my pelvic bones are really narrow….that scares me! ahh!! I hope Connor is not a HUGE baby so I can have a normal delivery. God will take care of us, I know that and not to worry.
After work we had a small Christmas dinner, just me and the five ladies I work with. We exchanged our secret Santa gifts and had a good time out. I am so blessed to work with such lovely people who care about me so much πŸ™‚ I am going to miss them while on maternity leave…just a little bit πŸ˜›
It has been quite a busy week! Hopefully this weekend I can catch up on some blog reading!
God is so good and never fails us! Merry Christmas, love, and blessings in the coming new year!

Connor’s nusery progress

I am on pins and needles waiting to hear from sidder to see how she is doing! She called me at lunch and she is about 5 cm dilated. I just want to see little Jarrett’s squishy little face! ahh!

Anyways! Terence and I (or mostly Terence) put up Connor’s owl decal on his wall. Terence said he thought it was kind of scary looking…but I like it and think it’s cute! It’s coming along…just need a few more things and the bedding and we’ll be good to go!

We are going to take care of the blind cords above the crib!