My sweet, precious, wonderful Mommy sent me some flip flops in the mail yesterday! When I went home a couple weeks ago I was searching so hard to find some black yellowbox flip flops, I even couldn’t find any on Ebay! So when Mom and Dad went to Branson Mom found these for $19.99 and sent them to me…I am so excited!!!

My co-workers and I were goofing around with the camera yesterday during our pizza party….
and here’s what happen when you run to the bathroom and find out someone’s been playing with your camera!


Terence is really good at this dart game so I thought I would give it a shot….I’m not too good! 🙁

When Terence got home from school last night he begged me to go to Blockbuster with him at 10:00 pm! I was tired and whiney and I didn’t want to go at all! He told me if I beat him at darts I didn’t have to go…but I lost! I am guessing this dart game will lead to many more “bets” to come. I better start practicing!

This is what I did yesterday and today at work:

I stuffed goodie bags for everyone because it’s our one year anniversary since the bank opened! We are always looking for a reason to have a party at work. I can’t believe Terence & I have been living here in Texas almost a WHOLE year!!! Where does the time go?

SLURPEE=HAPPINESS on a hot day! Go 7-11! Right Bon?

Our SEVEN YEAR anniversary is on Monday. I think we are going to the Melting Pot on Saturday….mmmmmmm…..I’ve never been there but just thinking about it is making me salivate!

Whew! It’s been quite a week!

I went home and was spoiled for nine wonderful days. Both flights were on time and everything ran smoothly! Monday-Wednesday I spent a lot of time with my Nannie and Papa at the farm. Papa is doing well and he’s fighting the cancer the best he can. Papa is a tough cookie and everyone is praying hard for him to get better so we know he will be okay. I know that these times with them are precious and that’s why I love it so much. It’s so relaxing at the farm, no noise or any interuptions. They fed me really well too! Lots of home grown tomatoes (my favorite!) My Aunt and cousin also came to see me too! It makes me feel so loved that they made a special trip just to come see me. I love my family!

Then Wednesday night I met up with my friend Ellen (from Fayetteville) at Starbucks and we had a nice long conversation. It’s always such a pleasure to see Ellen, she has always been one of my best friends and she has to be one of the FUNNIEST people I know!

“Say cheesers Ellen!”

Then Thursday Mom, Dad, and I went to see the new Batman movie “The Dark Knight”. It was really good! It’s so sad Heath Ledger died waaaay before his time. My Dad is a big goober and sometimes he can be embarrassing, but we claim him anyway. In the movie the actor who plays Batman changes his voice to a deeper huskier tone when he turns into Batman…it’s kinda wierd. Well, my Dad’s name is Mike, so after the movie he kept calling himself “The Dark Mike” in a deep voice over and over and OVER again! People were staring and it was funny…it’s just something my Dad would do! GOOB!

I think the “Dark Mike” likes to Batnap don’t you?

The rest of the week I spent mostly with my Mom re-doing the dining room and watching HGTV/Food Network. We did some shopping around town and ate out together. It was a very relaxing vacation and I loved it! I just wish I was feeling better because I slept a lot during the week and got sick towards the weekend.

And No, it’s not what you are thinking. I started AF on Sunday so all the medicine and the shot didn’t work this time around. This past week was just the distraction I needed so I wouldn’t worry so much about everything that’s been going on. God always knows what you need and He always takes care of you!
So I go BACK to the Doctor tomorrow and prayers are loved and appreciated!
My sister made her doggies Batman hats! She is hilarious (and creative)! She said she made them out of paper and garbage bags…they sure look thrilled and FIERCE!
More updates soon….