What’s in Your Bag Link Up

I was inspired by Aly the other day when she dumped her purse out and showed us the goodies inside. I’m always curious what women think they need to carry with them at all times!  There is also a feature in one of my favorite magazines that showcases celebrity purses and what they keep inside :

So this is my bag
It’s my favorite color GREEN

1. Hobo Lauren wallet

2. Cuticle trimmer
3. Lens wipes and Tide to Go (Lens wipes are great for cleaning your phone)
4. My new Google Galaxy phone
5. Tum Tum Tum Tum Tuuuuums!
6. Concealer
7. Tweezers
8. Alieve meds
9. Mirror
10. A ton of ponytail holders
11. Lip gloss
12. My Starbucks gold card
14. Minted cards
15. Sunglasses case
16. Tide to go (I spill a lot!)
17. Nail files
18. My pill keeper
19. Spank Stick (For Connor)
20. Chapstick
21. Cinnamon gum
22. Clippies
23. My massive keys with 1,000 discount shopper cards 🙂
So tell me…..
“What’s in your bag???”

Link up and share below….