We Be Trippin

Last weekend Connor and I decided to make one last trip to Arkansas before school starts.  I’m glad I got the chance to spend some time with family and friends.  So, we road tripped it to AR in the 100-billion degree heat.  Many trips to Starbucks later we made it to my sister’s house.

I got to see Bonnie & Vinny’s new home they are building and help pick out light fixtures.  We ate a bunch of good food.  Spent some relaxing time at the farm with Nannie.  Got some hugs from my Mommy & Daddy.  I even got to visit with some of my best friends from New Jersey who happened to be in town!  It all worked out great and now we are back to the real world again.

These two are certainly a tornado together.  Alone…they are perfectly fine, but when you combine the two it’s utter chaos.  I got a horrible sinus infection while visiting and I had to sit for almost 2 hours at an urgent care place to get a steroid shot and some meds with these boys….CRAZINESS!  On the bright side I got to see my cousin who happened to work at Walmart pharmacy & filled my prescription!  What do ya know…it was so good to see her too 🙂


Riding with Nannie on the farm


I got to snap some photos of this beautiful baby girl…be still my heart.  If I had a girl I would go NUTS I tell ya!  Too many fru fru and frilly things to my heart’s delight.


And to cap off the weekend we celebrated Great Granddaddy’s 89th birthday!  He’s so precious to us and we hope to spend many more years together.  We love you Granddaddy!


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