Finish This Link Up: Week 12

I know itโ€™s a little weird but

I have a family talent handed down from generation to generation.  I can SQUEAK!!!!  It’s just a funny thing my Dad taught me and he can even do entire songs.  Just press your lips together and make a funny squeaky noise.

When stopped at a stoplight, I

Check my phone.  But I NEVER take my selfies while stopped or driving.  I also just jam and sing to music.  Most of the time I’m in a rush and in my head thinking “GO GO GO!”  Also, I HATE that song #Selfie….OMG I am so over it.  If I hear it one more time on the radio I may barf.  Ugh.

My guilty pleasure is

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Chocolate. Coffee.  Need I say more?  I think those to are obvious if you read this blog.  Right now I would give my right arm for a Kinder Egg.  If you’ve never heard of them….Google it!

My favorite way to unwind

Sleep in.  Get a professional massage (by that meaning one I don’t have to beg for where my husband uses one hand to rub my back)  I also like to watch reality TV.  Right now I’m liking Rehab Addict on HGTV.

Also don’t forget about my Easter photo special!!!




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