Finish This Link Up : Week 5


1. I will never outgrow… calling my Mom & Dad “Mommy & Daddy”.  They’ll always be that to me ๐Ÿ™‚

2. I splurge on…  Purses.  They always fit and they last forever!

3. My worst habit is… crunching ice.  I know it’s really bad for your teeth.  UGH.  But I’ve never had a cavity in my whole life so maybe it cleans them out some how? ha ha!

4. My passport represents… all the places I have been and hope to go in the future.  I love to see different people and cultures.  It’s so fascinating.  

5. My most ridiculous fear is… snakes.  I can’t even stand to look at pictures of them.  Is it crazy to think they can crawl up the toilet? 

6. My favorite thing to give is… Starbucks <3  It’s something I love to get & I know a lot of people love as well!


 Cheers! Happy HUMP day!

7 thoughts on “Finish This Link Up : Week 5

  1. OH. MY. STARS. I’m going to look in the toilet before sitting down now. Thank you very little, Becky, for giving me a brand new ridiculous fear!!!!!!! You and Connor are adorable, big hugs to you two. =)
    Nicole Hutchison recently posted…Finish This #5My Profile

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