Every Kiss Begins with KAY….Yeah Right!

Every year around the Christmas season they come out with all the lovely holiday commercials.  Some are sweet, others just make me want to switch channels and barf.

One of the commercials Terence and I always joke about are the KAY commercials.  He looks at me with a HUGE eyeball roll and says “Does anyone really do that?”  Ha ha!!!  I just laugh it off…but you know every girl in America is hoping for that “KAY moment”.  It ain’t gonna happen sweetheart.  Not unless you have an overly sappy guy.  Or at least it won’t happen like the commercials.

So here’s my little spoof of KAY & probably what every dude is really thinking….


That’s right dream on homeboy 165564616_640Yeah…they must have been dating for a whole month165565382_640That’s right kids.  You’re my witnesses.  I really DO nice things for your Mom…now go tell her parents….mmmmkay?418753039_640

So, yeah I’m probably a little skeptic.  Does anyone really have these “KAY moments” or is it just a marketing scheme to disappoint every woman in the universe that instead of a pretty necklace or a set of sparkly earrings they are really going to get a new vacuum or an HD television for the whole family.  Yeah….dream on home girl.  Dream on…..

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