I Could Eat You With a Spoon!


I don’t know how I missed this?  My parents were in town last month and my Dad must have written this on the chalkboard.  I took it down for Connor to play with and saw it…..

Something my Grandma used to say “I could eat you with a spoon!”  It made me giggle.  And made me think of my parents being there…we’ve had a rough few weeks.  It seems like we’ve been sick in some shape, way, or form over the past month.  I’m so over it.


Thankfully, Connor is feeling much better!  I’m feeling better today too.  Terence went to the Doctor this morning…you know because it takes men a bit longer to cave in and actually go see a Doctor!  He tested positive for strep throat.  Good times I tell ya!  Thanks for all the prayers….we appreciate it so much!

Connor LOVES some Cheerios.  He could eat them for every meal, just like his Daddy…D7K_0380 D7K_0378 D7K_0368 D7K_0370 D7K_0371 D7K_0372 D7K_0373 D7K_0374

Here’s to a brighter and happier week!  Can I get an amen???

Oh!  And did you KNOW that Dunkin Donuts makes red velvet donut holes…..Hello???

If that don’t make you feel better I don’t know what will!


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