Connor 6 Month Stats

Height is 28 inches (93%)
Weight is 17.4 pounds (50%)
Head is 18 inches (93%)

“My Mommy obviously likes to play dress up!”

“She has a thing for hats”
I’m a pretty good sport about wearing them too…
Bed Head

You are growing so fast Connor boy!
Oh how I love you so!

Poor baby had a 103.3 degree fever last night after getting his shots. He threw up pretty bad last night too ๐Ÿ™ Daddy is at home with him right now taking good care of him. I have the BEST Daddy ever!

We love you buddy!
Hope you all have a great weekend!

15 thoughts on “Connor 6 Month Stats

  1. He is sooooooo adorable!! His face in that last pic just makes me smile ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope you have an awesome weekend lady!!

  2. What a cutie!! Love those pics! I kind of have the opposite problem with the food…..Westin hardly wants to nurse at all. All he wants to do is eat food! haha I’m sure you’ve tried everything but Westin only wants to eat everything cold. Veggies, oatmeal, fruit….everything has to be cold. He gags and shivers if things are luke warm. Just a thought. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Thanks for your comment – I love meeting new blogging friends! Connor is so, so cute! These photos are wonderful!

    Happy 6 months to him!

  4. Thanks for your comment – I love meeting new blogging friends! Connor is so, so cute! These photos are wonderful!

    Happy 6 months to him!

  5. What a cutie!! Love those pics! I kind of have the opposite problem with the food…..Westin hardly wants to nurse at all. All he wants to do is eat food! haha I’m sure you’ve tried everything but Westin only wants to eat everything cold. Veggies, oatmeal, fruit….everything has to be cold. He gags and shivers if things are luke warm. Just a thought. ๐Ÿ™‚

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