And this is Today

Every morning when I get up I love to watch the Today Show. My morning starts a lot earlier now and the days of hitting the snooze button are DEFINITELY over! I’ll get up, pump, take a shower, feed Connor…and watch the Today Show. They have great stories every morning and that is how I get my news and keep up with everything going on in the world. I love Ann Curry, she seems so genuine when talking about the news.

And I have a secret crush on Brian Williams, I have no idea why…but he’s just really cute for an older dude and he too seems genuine while news casting. Sooo…that is my morning! And before you know it it’s time to hit the road and off to work!
One thing I know for sure is I look forward to the end of the day so I can see my “Mister Mister”
(that is what Terence calls him)
Even when he’s like this!
(he gets fussy EVERY day around 5 pm…I wonder if it’s us or just the time of day???)

I love all the comments and advice from everyone! It makes me feel so much better as a new mom to hear from all of you “experienced” mommy’s and caregivers out there…because sometimes I just feel CLUELESS! ha..ha..ha..!!!!

XOXO Becky

15 thoughts on “And this is Today

  1. I watch the Today show just about every morning while I’m getting ready for work and I love it too, haha! And yes, there is something strangely attractive about Brian Williams, LOL

  2. Brian Williams is strangely hot…. yeah, I share in your affection.

    But the 5 pm thing? Totally “the witching hour.” When I nannied I would pray like hell that there was zero traffic or else I’d have two screaming babies on my hands and two toddlers demanding food. Talk about stress!

  3. Hi there,
    Stumbled upon your blog, and your “mister mister” is just precious! Oh how I miss those days!

    My son had “a time of the day” EVERY day. His was 6pm-7pm. We watched a lot of tv with “mute” on because we simply could not hear it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Call me crazy, but this worked for us, so I’ll share with you. We ran the hair dryer, yes hair dryer and he would immediately stop crying. That definitely got his attention.

    I’m expecting #2 in June, and believe me, we’ll be busting out the hair dryer with it too! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Good luck!

  4. i too love the today show and am experiencing your pre baby experience with it….one day, though, i hope that i am experiencing what you are!!! =) your little guy is too cute! love the pics!

  5. haha! It’s funny you said “clueless” because the night we got home with LC I was trying to get him straightened out and myself and he was fussy and I just looked at him and said “what in the world am I gonna do with this little thing?” I was not kidding either I had NO idea what to do!

    5 pm fussiness…LC was like that too…may be a touch of colic or who knows they grow so fast as infants that it may be a hunger issue/adjustment.

    Cute old dude! ha! I love it girl!

  6. When Grace was about 5 months old{ish} corrected, she cried every single day for about 3 hours. Literally. We called it happy hour. It lasted for 3 months or so. Not a clue as to why, but crying or not…that boy of yours in A.DOR.A.BLE!!!!

  7. haha! It’s funny you said “clueless” because the night we got home with LC I was trying to get him straightened out and myself and he was fussy and I just looked at him and said “what in the world am I gonna do with this little thing?” I was not kidding either I had NO idea what to do!

    5 pm fussiness…LC was like that too…may be a touch of colic or who knows they grow so fast as infants that it may be a hunger issue/adjustment.

    Cute old dude! ha! I love it girl!

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