Thank You!

Connor says “thank you” to all my bloggy friends!
All your sweet comments mean so much right now πŸ™‚
The start of this first week has been challenging, especially since I just cry and cry over nothing sometimes! We are trying to get into a routine and Connor has been really good the past couple of nights. He just wants to be fed and rocked and that’s about all. My Mom and Nannie went home today…and they were a tremendous help! I was sad to see them go because it was so nice to have all that extra help. People tell you how challenging parenting is and how sleep deprived you will be, but you never actually realize that until you are IN it! It’s so worth it when I see my baby happy and look at his face. Terence has been amazing these past few days and he’s the best Daddy ever πŸ™‚ He helps me so much I am scared when he has to go back to work right now and it will just be the two of us.
Connor had his first pediatrician appt today and he looks great! The only thing is they want us to supplement him with formula right now because he has lost some weight since birth. It breaks my heart because I want to breastfeed and we are just getting in the hang of things, but I also want him to be strong and healthy so today we are starting to supplement. I know he will do well and I will still continue to breastfeed him too.
I guess that is all the updates right now. Thank you all for making me feel so much better and all your sweet comments on baby Connor, they mean so much! XOXO Becky

28 thoughts on “Thank You!

  1. Girl, hang in there. The hormones right after pregnancy are ridiculous. Trust me, I’ve lived through it twice. I mean, you’ve just given birth but you still jiggle and aren’t quite back in regular clothes yet, your hair is falling out, your boobs are rock hard, you’re not sleeping and those baby books did not tell you one thing about just how much you could possibly bleed after birth (seriously, do you need all nine months of a missed period at once??).

    OK, so maybe that was just my experience. πŸ˜‰ Trust me when I say that it gets easier the second time around…even though I know that is the farthest thing from your mind right now.

    As for the breastfeeding, don’t get discouraged and don’t feel bad about supplementing. Connor is going to do fine either way.

    You’re doing a good job, Mom!! You, too, Dad! πŸ™‚

  2. My lovie!!!! I love you Connor! It will get easier sis. Hang in there & you are doing great. I love you so much & I can’t wait to hold my nephew!

  3. Becky, he’s just beautiful. You’re gonna do fine!! It’s a huge transition, but there’s joy in the journey.

  4. I’m just now catching up on your blog. Congratulations on Connor’s arrival – he is precious! The hormones are challenging…I’m still having some hard days a month later but it gets better! The sleep will eventually be better too – it’s so hard the first few weeks. Hang in there!!!

  5. oh yea..i would cry over can’t help it!

    we had to supplement for a week or oo but now she is stricly breast fed! dont’ give up!

  6. From what I’ve heard, crying about nothing is completely normal! It sounds like you and Terrence are doing a great job!

  7. He is SUCH a beautiful baby! I’ve heard crying is par for the course at the beginning. I read that another new mommy blogger’s doctor told her, “Sometimes wanting to throw the baby out the window is completely normal. Actually throwing the baby out the window… not normal.” LOL

    Hang in there, y’all are all three doing a great job!

  8. I have been thinking of you everyday, but have been away from reading blogs the past few days! I am catching up πŸ™‚

    He is just adorable!

    The only thing I can recommend and I know a million other people have already said it…sleep when he sleeps!

    I cried all the time too. For no reason…the hormones are NUTS!

    I had to supplement too while breast feeding. I was upset about it at the time too, but try not to be.

  9. Connor is divine and looks just like his mom.

    Hang in there sweetie it will get better I promise

    Luv always


  10. Just want to say CONGRATS on your beautiful bundle of joy…he’s precious!
    I know it’s hard in the beginning with little (or no!) sleep. I promise it gets better. My emotions were very all over the place after giving birth…I cried quite a bit for no reason at times. Thankfully, that too gets better.
    What a beautiful family the three of you make. Congrats again!
    PS–I’m Bonnie’s friend from Las Vegas πŸ™‚

  11. Hang in there girl! Your little man is precious! It’s funny to me how both of the boys look just like their daddies!!! Well, via Bloggy World they do at least! πŸ™‚

  12. Awww, your doing such a great job!! Connor looks like you in this picture πŸ™‚

    We had to supplement too, just continue breastfeeding while supplementing and after he gains weight you can switch right back to it… So proud of you!!!


  13. Connor is just adorable!!

    Things will get better! Let me know if you need help after Terence goes back to work.

  14. I’m not pregnant nor have I ever had a child and I still cry over everything, so I’m sure you’re doing just fine!! πŸ™‚ I still can’t get over how beautiful he is! πŸ™‚

  15. Dont worry about the formula I had to supplement for 2 days with formula but still breastfeeding every 2 hrs. My son 10 months old and still breastfeeding and never had any formula since he was 5 days old.

    You can use the pump if he sleeps through a feeding. I also used the pump in the beginning to give my nipples a break because they were bleeding. Dont forget to use Medela Lanolin for your nipples, total lifesaver.

    Your milk should be coming in /increasing so much so that is what he needs. 1-2 days of formula wont hurt just make sure it is given after a breastfeed. We only gave 1/2oz at each feeding just to top him off for those few days.

  16. He is so beautiful!! I understand all the emotions…I hardly ever cried before I had Kaeden but after I had him I cried so easily! You just have so many emotions running through you … not to mention crazy hormone levels! I’m still more emotional than I was before he was born but I think the world just looks differently through the eyes of a parent. About the breastfeeding… I remember that I hated giving him formula…like I was failing if I couldn’t provide all he needed. I got over that quickly! Everyone has different experiences when it comes to nursing their baby. Nursing (and everything about parenting) is just about finding what works best for you and your family. When Kaeden was just a few days old I decided that I would listen to others advice, smile politely and nod, and then do whatever I wanted anyway! πŸ™‚

  17. Hi Becky, I’m a friend of your sister’s from college and I’ve been following your blog for a while. Congratulations! Connor is precious! I know you get advice from every angle and I won’t offer any real advice because every situation is different but I will tell you that I struggled with nursing too and we had to supplement because our little guy lost weight too. It all worked out and so did the routine. Just enjoy snuggling with your little man. We didn’t fall into a real routine for several weeks…I think it takes time for baby’s to adjust to being on the “outside” and it takes mommies and daddies time to adjust too. πŸ™‚ Congrats again!!! He is adorable!

  18. He is so beautiful!! I understand all the emotions…I hardly ever cried before I had Kaeden but after I had him I cried so easily! You just have so many emotions running through you … not to mention crazy hormone levels! I’m still more emotional than I was before he was born but I think the world just looks differently through the eyes of a parent. About the breastfeeding… I remember that I hated giving him formula…like I was failing if I couldn’t provide all he needed. I got over that quickly! Everyone has different experiences when it comes to nursing their baby. Nursing (and everything about parenting) is just about finding what works best for you and your family. When Kaeden was just a few days old I decided that I would listen to others advice, smile politely and nod, and then do whatever I wanted anyway! πŸ™‚

  19. Dont worry about the formula I had to supplement for 2 days with formula but still breastfeeding every 2 hrs. My son 10 months old and still breastfeeding and never had any formula since he was 5 days old.

    You can use the pump if he sleeps through a feeding. I also used the pump in the beginning to give my nipples a break because they were bleeding. Dont forget to use Medela Lanolin for your nipples, total lifesaver.

    Your milk should be coming in /increasing so much so that is what he needs. 1-2 days of formula wont hurt just make sure it is given after a breastfeed. We only gave 1/2oz at each feeding just to top him off for those few days.

  20. I’m just now catching up on your blog. Congratulations on Connor’s arrival – he is precious! The hormones are challenging…I’m still having some hard days a month later but it gets better! The sleep will eventually be better too – it’s so hard the first few weeks. Hang in there!!!

  21. oh yea..i would cry over can’t help it!

    we had to supplement for a week or oo but now she is stricly breast fed! dont’ give up!

  22. Girl, hang in there. The hormones right after pregnancy are ridiculous. Trust me, I’ve lived through it twice. I mean, you’ve just given birth but you still jiggle and aren’t quite back in regular clothes yet, your hair is falling out, your boobs are rock hard, you’re not sleeping and those baby books did not tell you one thing about just how much you could possibly bleed after birth (seriously, do you need all nine months of a missed period at once??).

    OK, so maybe that was just my experience. πŸ˜‰ Trust me when I say that it gets easier the second time around…even though I know that is the farthest thing from your mind right now.

    As for the breastfeeding, don’t get discouraged and don’t feel bad about supplementing. Connor is going to do fine either way.

    You’re doing a good job, Mom!! You, too, Dad! πŸ™‚

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