Zeeee Starbucks Winner Is….

Before I announce the winner you know I had to show you pictures right?
We took our sweet lil‘ cousin Lindsey to Starbucks again…I mean we just have to show her the way 🙂
Last time we took Lindsey to Starbucks we ordered her a vanilla bean drink (which has no coffee in it) and she didn’t like that….so this time she wanted COFFEE! Lindsey Sue ordered a mocha frappucinno and she liked it…oh boy! It must run in the blood….ha..ha…

Okay now onto the results

I had Terence draw the winner out of a big ole bowl

because I knew he would pick a good un!

And the winner is……
Email me @ beckylbranch@gmail.com

4 thoughts on “Zeeee Starbucks Winner Is….

  1. I saw Kristin… and got a little excited…. but not me.

    Congrats to the “real” Kristin winner… what a fun giveaway this was!!!

  2. ::Gasp::

    I’d like to thank God… Becky… and Starbucks…

    🙂 I love your blog!! It’s so uplifting and just exactly what I need so many days. 🙂

  3. ::Gasp::

    I’d like to thank God… Becky… and Starbucks…

    🙂 I love your blog!! It’s so uplifting and just exactly what I need so many days. 🙂

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