43 thoughts on “Should I go back blonde?

  1. Hi! I’ve been kind of a silent lurker of your blog for awhile but wanted to speak up now. I LOVE your dark hair – seems to go well with your complexion!!

    Congrats on the pregnancy!

  2. I’m a newer reader, so I don’t know if my opinion counts. But I love your dark hair. It’s very pretty. And If anything I think you should go darker, or redder….just my thoughts. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Oh, my goodness, Becky…you are one of those cute girls who can get away with any hair color! Seriously, color it pink with purple stripes and you’d still look fab!

    I love the blonde on you, but I’m one of those gals who likes a darker hair color for the fall/winter.

  4. That pic of you and Bonnie is beautiful, but I like the darker hair color.
    Especially now for Fall and Winter.
    cannot wait for another baby bump pic!

  5. You are beautiful no matter what color but I love your hair darker. Does it have an auburn touch? I think it looks very flattering!

    What does Terence think?

  6. I love the pic of you and Bonnie…you girls are so pretty!!

    And dark or blonde? You look great either way. Sorry I wasn’t much help.

  7. Dark hair w/ red highlites. Just remember, EVERYTHING smells stronger when you are pregnant. I stopped getting my hair done because it just wasn’t worth it. PLUS, during pregnancy AND after your hair grows at like double speed. It is impossible to keep up with it.

  8. I love love love the dark hair ๐Ÿ™‚ But totally know what you are thinking about when it comes to changing something about your hair . . it gets old sometimes doesn’t it?

  9. I have to agree with the rest of the crowd…I prefer the dark hair on you. You are a beauty regardless, but the dark looks more natural. If you’re dying for a change (pun intended), how about a lighter brown? Maybe something close to your natural color? (I’m assuming your natural color is somewhere between the blonde and the dark you have now.)

  10. Agree with everyone else…you look beautiful either way, but the brown does seem to suite you better. I say stick with the dark.

  11. Okay, I guess I have to go against the popular vote, but I think you would look great as a blonde. I always think I should go a little darker in Fall, but normally I end up going a little LIGHTER just to be different and brighten up the winter. Also, I know with the pale complexion that pregnancy brings (aka no tanning allowed) blonde hair is more complementary than dark hair. That said, you are a beautiful mommy either way!

  12. BLONDE!!! You are absolutely gorgeous with dark hair but why not go blonde for awhile to switch it up?!

    When your beautiful baby gets here you’ll want what ever color has the least up keep so go for what’s hard right now! Whether that’s dark or light!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. I think you look great both but overall I would say I like the dark a little better…however, you are a sunning blond too!! thanks for the hair advice for me too ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. I’ve always thought you looked great as a brunette – so I vote you keep it. ๐Ÿ™‚ Especially since I saw Bonnie’s post first – and she’d probably kill you! HAHAHA!

  15. I think y’all both look great as blondes but dark works well for both of y’all too. So either way you look great! ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. I think y’all both look great as blondes but dark works well for both of y’all too. So either way you look great! ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. You are beautiful no matter what color but I love your hair darker. Does it have an auburn touch? I think it looks very flattering!

    What does Terence think?

  18. I love the pic of you and Bonnie…you girls are so pretty!!

    And dark or blonde? You look great either way. Sorry I wasn’t much help.

  19. Oh, my goodness, Becky…you are one of those cute girls who can get away with any hair color! Seriously, color it pink with purple stripes and you’d still look fab!

    I love the blonde on you, but I’m one of those gals who likes a darker hair color for the fall/winter.

  20. Hi! I’ve been kind of a silent lurker of your blog for awhile but wanted to speak up now. I LOVE your dark hair – seems to go well with your complexion!!

    Congrats on the pregnancy!

  21. I’m a newer reader, so I don’t know if my opinion counts. But I love your dark hair. It’s very pretty. And If anything I think you should go darker, or redder….just my thoughts. ๐Ÿ™‚

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